Monday, September 30, 2019

Development of the Aztec, Akkadian and Hittite Empires

Chris Scarre ( 2013, p.198 ) suggests that the development of imperiums was driven by the desire for security, or for economic addition or by the mere personal aspiration of swayers and elites. To what extent do you hold with this statement? Answer utilizing grounds from, and doing mention to, at least three of the undermentioned imperiums: the Aztec, the Roman, the Chinese, the Akkadian and the Hittite. The purpose of this paper is to find as to whether I agree or disagree with the above statement. In order to find the extent of agreement/disagreement, a scope of goaded forces will be explored environing the imperiums of the Aztecs, the Akkadians and the Hittites. To get down with, the word imperium will be defined to give a unequivocal apprehension and how it fits into the three aforementioned imperiums. Empire is defined as: ‘a group of states or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful crowned head or authorities: normally a district of greater extent than a land, as the former British Empire, Gallic Empire, Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire, or Roman ‘ . ( Oxford Companion to Archaeology, 2012 ) Evidence of suggested forces behind the constitution of imperiums and their possible death will be used to back up any agreement/disagreement. The first imperium to be covered is the Aztecs, which existed during the late Post-Classic period, and located in the dumbly populated basin of Mexico. The Aztecs came to command big countries of Mesoamerica North of the Gulf of Tehuantepec and were the last of the Chichimec folk to go forth their place at Aztlan by drouth or overaˆ?population which my have been the driving force to the constitution of the imperium. The desire for wealth seem to hold progressed when the Aztecs served as soldier of fortunes through which a series of confederations and rebellions formed, ensuing in growing of wealth and metropoliss. To farther confirm the rise of an imperium, the Aztecs took control of an country of 200 000 square kilometers with a public of about 10 million. This demonstrates the push for growing in set uping a powerful imperium. Having exp lored the development affecting the growing of the Aztec imperium. The societal complexness every bit good as the handiness of historical grounds of stuff remains are found amongst the ruins stating the narrative as it unfolded at the clip. To confirm archeological grounds I shall concentrate on the capital, Tenochtitlan ( C. AD 1325 ) , which grew to be the largest and most complex metropolis in the new universe. Archaeological grounds suggests that much of Tenochtitlan was destroyed in 1521 or subsequently demolished by the colonial Spaniards. It was non until the terminal of the fourteenth century that several twelve warring metropolis provinces existed, one in peculiar which demonstrates the desire for wealth is that of Mexica-Tenocha having a portion of testimonial from combined military triumphs. Further grounds of the desire for power and aspiration by the swayers during the twelvemonth 1519 whereby the mature Aztec imperium dominated some 400 antecedently independent civil o rders through bullying, confederation, and outright conquest. Such procedures of military, wealth, confederation and land size is for me a requirement to the formation of an imperium. The Aztec imperium at the clip showed no marks of failing, was extremely organised, hierarchal and warlike. With the rise of an imperium came its autumn from grace as the imperium proved delicate and did non last the reaching of aggressive European incomers who efficaciously disrupted the top degree of the societal hierarchy and so broke the coercive forces that held the imperium together. ‘The Aztec Empire came to an disconnected terminal on 13 August 1521, when Hernan Cortes and his Spanishconquistadorstook the Aztec capital and its emperor Montechzuma ( Montezuma ) II ‘ (The Aztec Empire: Guggenheim Museum, 2012 ) .Having explored factors impacting a scope of driving forces, I am certain that Scarre has provided a grade of simplification and has non omitted any factors that do non back up the development of imperiums. Not limited to the Aztecs, the rise of imperiums occurred on a planetary footing which brings us on to the second of the imperiums to be discussed which is the Akkadians. The Akkadians were initiated by the swayer Sargon, who was driven by pitiless aspiration through the conquering of the metropolis of Sumer, developing into an enlargement into the universe beyond. It can besides be argued that the Akkadians were besides driven by economic addition through the connexions with the lands of Dilmun, Magan, and Meluhha. Within this desire for economic addition it can be a plausible and a simplified procedure of economic growing and security for the people. Although the imperium was established, the capital, Akkad, has non been located archaeologically. The statement made by Scarre relies on driving forces and taking into history the Akkadian imperium, the readings made through archeological surveies seem to carry through the procedures required in the development of an imperium. Sargon a nd his replacements besides conquered the great city state of Elba, to obtain goods and natural stuffs. The cardinal site of Troy where a great trade of activity was seen from seven consecutive metropoliss, Troy I to Troy VII clearly demonstrates to lift and autumn of an imperium through natural to warfare. The wealth of Troy was apparent when a monolithic cache of about 9000 objects that have become known as the Treasure of Priam connoting power and wealth but fell merely as the Akkadian imperium did. ‘Archaeological grounds has shown that the Akkadian civilisation collapsed suddenly near 4170 Â ± 150 calendar year B.P. , possibly associating to a displacement to more waterless conditions ‘ ( Cullen, 2000 ) . Although records detailing this are rare, the alterations in regional fruitlessness are preserved in next ocean basins. There is besides grounds of volcanic ash sherds which may hold held a direct but temporal nexus between Mesopotamian aridification and societal prostration. With this sudden displacement to a more waterless status within the part, this may hold besides been a lending factor to the autumn of the Akkadian Empire. Not merely did the imperium prostration from environmental factors but besides by occupying forces from the E. Although I tend to hold with the procedures of imperiums lifting and the drive force behind them, it is more hard to confidently support factors imputing to their ruin. The Akkadian imperium is known to hold risen through conquer ing and economic addition but with two changing factors of natural and semisynthetic forces, we can non presume that warfare or environmental factors played a remarkable portion in the prostration of that imperium. I am non convinced that warfare brought down the Akkadian imperium and am non convinced that environmental factors played a exclusive portion in their death. A cardinal site which besides reinforces the desire for wealth and power. Small is known about the following imperium, the Hittites who were lost to history. What we do know are found on clay tablets (Explore/World Cultures: Hittities British Museum, 2013 ) . It was during the periods from approximately 1650/1600 to 1200 BC that the male monarchs of Hattusha ruled an imperium that reached across the wide lands of Anatolia, widening at times even into the North of Syria. ‘They conquered Babylon, and Troy was seemingly one of their vasals. Besides Egypt and Assyria/Babylonia, the Hittites were the 3rd world power of the Ancient Near East ‘ ( The Excavations at Hattusha, 2011 ) The Hittites as with any other imperium established the capital Hattusa which comprised beginnings of both written and archeological grounds, nevertheless, research into this part is still ongoing. As small is known, one thing nevertheless does come into light which surrounds the aspiration of the male monarch. It was Hattusili I who at the clip became the first male monarch to establish a run in Northern Syria. Such a run implies that the king knew of the importance environing the desire to hold entree to the sea and for the take-over of trade paths. It was through this run that the male monarch was driven strictly by economic addition through trade and power. Due to little other grounds, there is small to indicate to any concrete informations on the degrees of societal complexness either through archeological findings. From what grounds we have, there is no indicant of any complexness of growing giving the feeling of simpleness in the constitution of the imperium. Although the prostration of the Hittites is non really clear, grounds does demo devastation and forsaking which occurred around 1200-1185 BC at the terminal of the bronze age. One other indicant points to about 1200 BC when the imperium was overwhelmed by encroachers, the individuality of whom is unsure but who were likely portion of the general motions of people in the period of agitation in the Mediterranean at the clip. To reason, I can see no disagreement in Scarres statement and to the full support and agree that imperiums were and are still driven by power, economic addition, security and personal aspiration. If we take into history the procedures involved, I do non believe that there are any complexness. Social and proficient ability does nevertheless find the advancement of a civilisation but as with any other imperium, the leading determines its stableness and length of service. The greater the leader, the greater the imperium. Archaeological grounds exists sing imperiums through the Roman and Greek ruins foregrounding the desire for wealth and the push for power through warfare. I can flatly state that I agree with the statement in that imperiums do lift and fall as evidenced with the Roman imperium, the British imperium in India and the three listed above and that all are driven by one manner or another even to this twenty-four hours. ( 1588 words ) Bibliography Asher, N. ( 2012 )The Oxford Companion to Archaeology( 2nd Ed ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // s=t Accessed: 31 January 2014 Cullen H.M. et Al ( 2000 ) A scholarly article on the prostration of the Akkadian imperium from Geology, April 2000, volume 28, no. 4 ; pp.379–382. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 1 January 2014 ) Scarre, J. ( Ed. ) ( 2013 )The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies3rdEdition London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 454, 455, 456, 457 Scarre, J. ( Ed. ) ( 2013 ) The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies 3rd Edition London: Thames and Hudson, p. 198 The Guggenheim Museum, Exhibitions-The Aztec Empire-Overview Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 1 January 2014 ) The British Museum, Explore/World Cultures ( 2013 ) [ Hittites ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 28 December 2013 )The Excavations at Hattusha – A undertaking of the German ArchaeoIogical Institute ( 2011 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 31 January 2014 )1

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Amy Tan Fish Cheeks Essay

Amy Tan and Maya Angelou come from extremely different cultures, and trying to feel accepted in American Culture. Both authors discuss a feeling of being an outcast and how their cultural differences set them apart. However, Amy Tan effectively uses narration and description to depict her sense of isolation from the dominant American culture. Angelou’s story is set in the South during the 1930’s when racism was prominent in society and an acceptable practice. Angelou’s writing mostly describes the reaction of the audience as they listen to the boxing match. She does not describe in detail on how this fight affects her or what it means to those around her. Her writing gives the reader a sense of excitement and nervousness, but it does not depict her sense of isolation from the dominant culture. Tan’s story takes place in California during the 1960’s. She feels embarrassed about her Chinese culture when she is faced with having a boy she likes and his family over for Christmas dinner. Tan describes in vivid detail her differences and embarrassment that she feels about being different from the Anglo culture. Tan more effectively describes her own isolation from social norms than Angelou. She describes her feeling and reactions to everything leading up to, during and after the Christmas dinner. Tan’s descriptive detail of her feelings throughout the evening effectively portrays her feelings of isolation and being different from the dominant American culture. The reader feels her humiliation and despair. This is evident when she describes the foods she loves in disgust and how she worries about her family’s manners at the dinner table. Angelou describes the emotions of the people around her and does not focus on her own feelings. Her focus is on the crowd’s emotions during the fight and their celebration following the win. The reader does not feel the same sense of isolation that Tan portrays. Angelo’s story describes the thoughts and feelings of her community during a boxing match. However, she does not focus on her own sense of isolation from the dominant American culture. Tan’s story describes her embarrassment and  fear of humiliation because she is different from her peer. She desperately wants to fit into the dominant American culture and is embarrassed by everything her culture and family represents during the Christmas

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Globalization and health Inequalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalization and health Inequalities - Essay Example Lee (2000) explain that globalisation is an unavoidable and primarily gentle process of global economic integration, in which countries increasingly drop border restrictions on the flow of capital, goods and services. He further acknowledged that risks are a more rapid spread of disease through tourism and the speedier and more massive and regular movement of goods and people. He noted that the risks of globalisation processes can be managed and are more than offset by benefits in the dissemination of new ideas, technologies and steady global economic growth (Lee 2000). Whereas, Dowler (2007) define inequalities in health to mean difference in health experience between different groups of people, in that some groups of people experience poorer health than the majority of the population. This he said, is usually due to life circumstances, such as living in poverty, on low or fixed incomes, in poor housing, having few opportunities for social activities, a lack of connectedness to community; and, to discrimination arising from gender, poverty, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or disability (Dowler, 2007). This paper will present a literature review on globalisation and its effects on health inequalities. The main objective is to provide a framework to understand how globalisation accelerates current changes in our lifestyles, the free movement of people travelling (Tourism) in relation to the rapid spread of infectious diseases, noticeably SARS. Inaddition, the estimate shows increasing gaps between the rich and poor that emerged in the various literatures. Research shows that the globalisation process as it is defined by Lee (2000) and others, that globalisation are responsible for the accelerated free movement of people. WHO (2003) estimated that more than two million travellers cross international borders on a daily basis. This includes not only economic migrants, refugees but also tourism. It is suggested that, a traveller infected with SARS could easily be transported across the globe six times within the incubation period of this deadly disease (WHO, 2003). This research will a nalyse this statement in detail and provide points for future research needs, based on the current globalisation policy debates and around the spread of diseases, and it will also make a case study of SARS in order to enrich the proposal. RESEARCH QUESTION: Does globalisation contribute to health inequality' AIM: To analyze and discuss, where, why and how the globalisation process affects or accelerates health inequality OBJECTIVES: 1. To see what has and has not been investigated about globalisation and how does it affect health inequality 2. To identify potential relationships between the concepts and to identify researchable needs in the area 3. To develop an understanding of how free movement of people such as tourism has changed cultures/lifestyles, through the process of globalisation 4. To demonstrate knowledge of the history of the spread of infectious diseases and globalisation of trade and investments 5. To discover how my research project can be related to the work of others LITERATURE REVIEW I will conduct my research, from the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managing Property Businesses Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing Property Businesses - Term Paper Example To remain competitive, organizations have to evaluate their strategies to make sure they align with business needs - both today and in the future. They need to deliver new business value and growth in the market through product innovation, more personalized customer service or transforming business processes They must be able to anticipate, rapidly respond and always be available. Organizations are looking to make better use of resources that they have, whether by saving a step in a business process or by improving linkages with their business partners. Organizations are looking to get more out of the resources they have in place so they can be freed up to generate additional opportunity. They want to reduce their operating costs so that they can invest in growth and opportunity. The need for a suitable workforce seems to be at the top of these reasons for relocation."Most businesses start in a small facility, such as the founder's garage, and then move to bigger quarters in the same city", says L. Clinton Hoch, director of location advisory services for DCG Corplan Consulting (a site selection consultancy in West Orange, New Jersey). Later, the business outgrows that location or begins to find fault with its facilities, services, utilities, infrastructure or other features. "Usually only after a business owner goes through those stages is he or she ready to make a move out of the original area," says L. Clinton Hoch. Relocating may be one of the best things that can be done for a business. Whether we are moving by choice or by necessity (our lease is up and our landlord is raising the rent), relocation is not an easy task. There are issues like location scouting, commercial realtors, negotiating, number crunching, licenses, packing, unpacking, mail forwarding.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Couse work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Couse work - Coursework Example From this point, the accounting institutions embarked on seeking an alternative to different accounting principles they had already developed, by generating alternative procedures, which were superior to the others. This move was sparked by the desire for good accounts for the companies that were growing during this period, and the higher desire for uniformity in accounting procedures (Baxter, 1979 n.p.). This move was emulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales immediately after the end of World War II, and eventually many other countries followed. Although it did not initially start as a mandatory move, there was a high recommendation for companies to apply the generated standardized accounting procedures, without seeking the consent of such companies. The accounting bodies majorly depended on the loyalty of the members, to comply with the standards, since there was little they could do to enforce these standards to the companies and other bodies that we re not willing to adhere to them (Baxter, 1979 n.p.). ... Thus, in Baxter’s view, accounting standards entail; accountants showing what they are doing, enhancing the uniformity of accounts presentation layout, providing the basis of accounting for some economic phenomena and making essential disclosures (Baxter, 1979 n.p.). Task B: The extent to which Baxter’s views have influenced the development of a conceptual framework for accounting In Baxter’s view, there are four major factors that form the subject matter of accounting standards. First, the accountant must be able to inform others what he/she is doing, to the stakeholders who may not possess the accounting knowledge, through the published reports, which clearly indicates the policies and procedures followed to arrive at the final financial statements (Baxter, 1979 n.p.). Secondly, the accounting standards enhances the standardization and creation of a uniformity in the layout and presentation of accounts, making it possible to compare the account information of o ne institution to that of the other, while also enabling the evaluation of the accounts for the basis of taxation. With a uniform layout of institutional accounts, it is possible to determine the revenues and the expenditures incurred by the institutions, while understanding the accounting and taxation policies applicable. Thirdly, Baxter presents a view that another subject matter of accounting standards is disclosure (Baxter, 1979 n.p.). This, according to him, entails the revelation into particular details of certain accounting aspects, where the reader of the final results is expected to make their own judgments. One such component that calls for disclosure is depreciation, which is an element that seeks the percentage change in value of an asset over time, in terms of the diminishing asset

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Market Structures Analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market Structures Analyses - Essay Example The producers can't afford the labor without selling their crops. Their debts build up and their crops are left to ruin. In a perfectly competitive market, there are many buyers and sellers and therefore no individual player can influence the market as a whole. Hence the firms become "price takers" by accepting the price determined by the intersection of the demand and supply curves. Therefore the firm's demand curve is perfectly elastic and price equals marginal revenue as shown in the graph. Individual firms cannot increase prices due to the competitiveness of the market and the highly elastic demand curve. Hence there are normal profits to be gained for the producers. The products are homogenous and therefore the buyers are indifferent as to which firm they purchase from. There are no barriers to entry or exit; hence firms can enter and leave the industry with no cost liabilities. In such a competitive environment, there is maximum efficiency and competent allocation of resources with minimum wastage. A trace of monopolistic competition is found in chapter 13 of the book where the Joads stop to fill gas at a gas station. The owner of the station is characterized as a crushed man, one who is afraid of the change that the world around him has embraced. He talks about how he sees cars move west all day and the only ones that stop in his station are the ones that have no money. They exchange beds, baby buggies, pots, pans, dolls, even shoes for the gas. The rich cars, however, stop only at company stations in town. He refers to these stations as the yellow painted ones in town. We also notice how the owner tries to imitate the company stations with the yellow paint but fails because of the loose hangings and the old cracks in his beaten old station. Monopolistic competition or imperfect competition is relatively similar to that of perfect competition except that the products are not homogenous. There are large number of players in the market, but due to differentiation of products, each individual firm has a small market share and a limited ability to influence prices. In this market, the barriers to entry are very small and there is sufficient product knowledge among the consumers. Product differentiation, which is the characteristic of monopolistic competition, creates a difference between products by deeming them similar but not identical. The product of one producer can be differentiated from that of another. A competitive producer uses non price competitive methods such as advertising, packaging, brand names, design to differentiate his products. There are substitutes in the market but they are not perfect substitutes. Firms have some control over prices, but the demand curve remains downward sloping and elastic. The producer aims at maximizing his profits by charging as much as he can over and above the output where his marginal revenue and costs equal, without compromising his sales. In the long run, however, new entries will shift the demand curve and the cost curve, thereby squeezing the profits. Oligopoly Chapter 19 narrates the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Language Evolution and Syntactic Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Language Evolution and Syntactic Theory - Essay Example Category one and two combine when considering that the "universal characteristics of language may be so because they are aspects that make it more easily acquirable."2 The evolutionary nature of language is a new category of investigation that attempts to determine what occurred in our ancestral lineage that gave rise to a form of communication that is distinct from other species. This category involves genetics, paleontology, and archaeology. However, whereas these studies benefit from a rich fossil record, evolutionary linguistics suffers from a lack of evidence. To overcome these shortcomings, linguists often make use of studies in the four categories already discussed. However, Kinsella's research is unique in that it will not rely on the four categories. Instead, she utilizes evidence from evolutionary studies that will shed a critical light on the theory of linguistics. The essential argument Kinsella makes is that this research is a step in developing a more unified theory of linguistics. This is much like psycholinguistics or neurolinguistics before it, which incorporate diverse disciplines in founding new conclusions. Kinsella frames the current discussion on language within syntactic theory. She criticizes these theories for relying on theories that are based only in linguistics and don't incorporate multi-disciplinary perspectives in their analysis. She contends that syntactic theory needs to be critiqued not merely as a means of recording observable data. In addition, syntactic theory must also be critiqued as a theory of language that must be consistent with theories in other fields. While she acknowledges that there are many competing syntactic theories, the research focuses on the Minimalist Program and contrasts it with theories in evolutionary biology to test its validity. It's notable that the analysis focuses the validity of the linguistic side and not the biological side. This seems to be due to the foundational role evolutionary biology plays in the Minimalist Program. Also, there is a continued view of linguistic philosophy as a 'soft' science. Kinsella is vague in distinguishing the exact specifications of the Minimalist Program. She writes that, "...syntactic theory tells usthat the grammatical structure of language is the mediator between signal and meaning"3 and references Chomsky as privileging the internal aspects of language over the external. While she discusses the MP's emphasis on creativity within syntactic structures, it seems that she is ultimately positioning it as a strongly internal theory of languag

Monday, September 23, 2019

Impact of WorkLife Balance on Job Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Impact of WorkLife Balance on Job Stress - Essay Example Maclnnes, 1987 and Pollert, 1988 says that flexibility is only one managerial concern and it cannot be abstracted from its other areas of goal and interest. Core and peripheral framework of work division allows company to use the part-time labour and increase its functional flexibility. The overall conclusion from the survey of Saudi Aramco is that they haven’t explicitly and comprehensively reorganized their work force on a flexible basis. Consistent with argument developed in Godard (1991), these considerations vary in accordance with three sets of structural variables: size, technology and market conditions. Flexible model looks more appropriate for large corporations instead of small organisations as their employee consciousness is generally more problematic because of alienating effects of size. Second flexible practices is more appropriate in capital intensive corporations because they have uncertain and complex technologies requiring high levels of formal and informal training. They also employ advance process production technique. Also flexible practices are more likely to affect the firms producing essential goods and services with a high degree of capital and they are operating in concentrated markets. As Godard concluded that to argue that size, technology and market conditions determine the extent to which it is rational for management to adopt flexible practices is not to suggest that they rigidly determine variation in these practices. It left to suggest, however, that failure to adopt the flexibility paradigm and not reflect mistaken strategic choices as much as it does cost-benefit considerations consistent with the rational pursuit of profit: considerations which vary in accordance with structural variables. ... Though there are undoubtedly limits to managerial rationality, it is a mistake to think that these considerations are not at the core of managerial decision processes or that they do not become reflected in the extent to which flexible practices are adopted. Therefore, strategic choices are of less importance that structural variables, it may be that they serve as rationalizations. Still they don't serve as determinants. There are further researches required in understanding the processes underlying the formation of management policies and practices in deep intensive ways. Further study will also benefit including an extended set of new and structural variables. Presently it looks that flexible firm model can be generalized across countries and occupations, but they cannot be used as long term setting before any firm can set it as usual practice. The criterion of fairness applies through acceptability of the contract defined in terms of offers and expectations. The theoretical concept was supported by empirical investigation. The psychological contract is a hypothetical contract. Rawls, 1971 suggested that hypothetical contract can be accepted as psychological contract only if it is assessed as fair. Psychological contract consists of offers and expectations which cannot be measured in terms of promises and obligations for both parties involved in contract. This terminology is considered in accordance with legal contract definitions (cf. Applebey, 2001; Atiyah, 1989; Bucher, 2003; Knapp & Chrystal, 1987; Lando & Beale, 1999), which is contract without agreement from both sides and doesn't produce obligations. It depends on employment relationship and their track record for success. The empirical studies

Sunday, September 22, 2019

NASA Spirit and Oppurtunity Mission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

NASA Spirit and Oppurtunity Mission - Essay Example Their landing came a mere four months after Apollo 11’s first lunar landing.†( The program went into an extended sortie of robotic explorations of what was originally a short stint of just three months. A chronology of events had described in exciting details its latest day-by-day, year-round movements monitored by ground control in such areas of operations already named and identified as â€Å"Troy† to wit: â€Å"05-January-2010 Toe-In Maneuver Before Drive, 04-February-2010 Improving Northerly Tilt, 09-February-2010 Spirit Parks for the Winter, 22-Jun-2010 Spirit Standing By At Troy, 04-Aug-2010 Spirit in ‘Sweep & Beep† Mode and 12-Aug-2010 ‘Sweep & Beep’ Campaign Continues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( This latest event involving Opportunity exemplifies the usefulness of the Mars rovers program and the important objectives identified with such move. The extended program that has already made another scientific probe that had sent new information regarding the atmosphere in Mars. â€Å"Images that NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took at the end of an 81-meter (266-foot) drive on Sept. 16 reveal a dark rock about 31 meters (102) feet away.† ( â€Å"The dark color, rounded texture and the way it is perched on the surface all make it look like an iron meteorite,† said science team member Matt Golombek of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The third and probably one of the most important exploits of the latest scientific program is the employ of the rovers mission in cloud computing: â€Å"The project team that built and operated the Mars rovers’ Spirit and Opportunity has become the first NASA space mission to use cloud computing for daily mission operations.†( The importance of â€Å"Opportunity and Spirit† Mars rovers program is giving more hope of increasing our knowledge of the solar system. This idea is not far-fetched with the initiative of the the cloud team at Microsoft Corporation,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

CSS Styles and Web Design Essay Example for Free

CSS Styles and Web Design Essay Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) defines how HTML elements are to be displayed and in-short referred as CSS. It controls the appearance of multiple HTML pages by just including one single external style sheet. For storing external style sheets CSS files (â€Å". css† extension) are used. CSS-based layouts along with table based layouts are used to manage the formatting of a web site. Cascading style sheets (CSS) make it easy to manage the formatting of a web site and it can be used to control the appearance of objects on a page or throughout a site. It can be designed and redesigned, and can control the formatting of hundreds of pages, including fonts, link colors, margin settings and background images. It is widely supported by modern browsers and allows flexibility in positioning. CSS based layouts Keeps the HTML/text ratio at a low level thus decreasing load time and Allows the display of main content first while the graphics load afterwards. CSS also avoid accessibility issues raised by table cells and the content flows logically without disruption. The three ways by which style can be added in HTML document are: 1. External style sheet 2. Internal style sheet (inside the head tag) 3. Inline style (inside an HTML element) In terms of priority when HTML document displays, it first looks for Inline style, than for internal style sheet (inside the head tag) and at last include External style sheet which is CSS. External style sheet (CSS) enables developer to change the appearance and layout of all the pages in their WebPages by just editing one single CSS file. Internal (embedded) style sheets are useful for managing single HTML page in which it is included and inline style sheet are used for managing some special formatting within the webpage. The Evolution of HTML Standards The evolution of HTML standards started from 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web with HTML as its publishing language. In September 1991, Open discussion about HTML across the Internet begins. In 1992, HTML 1. 0 the first release of HTML to the world, was taken from Tim-Berners Lee original proposal. At this time not many people were involved in website creation and the language was very limited. In May 1994, HTML+ having some physical layout was shown at the first World Wide Web conference (W3C) that was held in Geneva. In July 1994, HTML specification for HTML 2. 0 was released. It included everything from HTML 1. 0 and added a few new features and defined many core HTML features for the first time. It was HTML standard until January 1997. In March 1995, HTML 3. 0 published as an Internet Draft by a HTML working group, led by Dave Raggett. In 1996, HTML 3. 2 (wilbur) came after the end of the Browser Wars and became the official standard in January 1997. It had included the tags introduced by Netscape and Microsoft during Browser Wars. In December 1997, HTML 4. 0 (cougar) introduced with HTML’s new supporting presentational language, cascading style sheets and became the official standard in April 1998. HTML 4. 0 was revised and corrected and later introduced as HTML 4. 01 in 1999. In January 2000, XHTML 1. 0, an XML version of HTML 4. 01, became joint standards along with HTML 4. 01. In XHTML 1. 0, there are not many new or deprecated tags and attributes but it was changed with a view of increased accessibility and functionality and a new set of coding rules. In 2001, XHTML 1. 1 with some modularization came. In 2002, XHTML 2. 0, which is more simplified and generalized standards, came into effect for WebPages. References: CSS Tutorial available at http://www. w3schools. com/css/css_intro. asp accessed on 27 July 2007. Web Development Series: formatting content, January 4, 2007 retrieved on 27 July 2007 from http://academictech. doit. wisc. edu/ORFI/wds/index. htm Moller, A. Schwartzbach, M. L. 2006. HTML and Web Pages: An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies, Addison-Wesley. Retrieved on 27 July 2007 from http://www. brics. dk/ixwt/html. pdf Shannon, R (n. d. ). The History of HTML Retrieved on 27 July 2007 from http://www. yourhtmlsource. com/starthere/historyofhtml. html http://www. w3. org/ accessed on 27 July 2007.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Motivation among Construction workers in Cyprus

Motivation among Construction workers in Cyprus This assignment serves as a proposal for the dissertation requirements and the associated research to be carried out. The dissertation paper will focus on individual development in terms of motivation. More specifically, it will investigate the levels of motivation of the employees in the Construction industry of Cyprus, using Maslows Needs Hierarchy as its theoretical base. The main research question to be addressed is What is the degree of satisfaction at each level of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs among the Construction Industry workers in Cyprus? The particular industry, throughout the world and in Cyprus, faces a series of problems (Yankov Kleiner, 2001). Some of the problems include communication and coordination problems. Also, productivity is observed to be relatively low when compared with other sectors, and this has a direct effect on inflating costs and organisational inefficiency. Parkin et al. (2009) states that motivation is an important factor influencing productivity and that various forms of rewards can stimulate motivation. The particular research aims to determine the degree of satisfaction and the importance of each level of Maslows Hierarchy for workers. This will contribute to the better understanding of employee motivation by managers and thus help in the designing of appropriate reward systems that will have a significant impact on increasing employee motivation. The inspiration for conducting such research came from the authors personal interest on the specific industry and topic, after working as a construction site manager for some time and studying various motivation theories through the current course. Additionally, no research has been conducted on the specific industry on the island until now. All these make the proposed research interesting and important since it will introduce some understanding on the motivation levels of the workers and it will help the rapidly developing construction industry of Cyprus to become more cost effective through adopting more suitable management practises. The following sections introduce the key literature on the topic and the proposed methodology to be used. Also, some details are given on the problems to be addressed, the context of the study, the planned timeframe and the anticipated contributions of this research to theory, knowledge and practise. Review of Key Literature Motivation and Content Theories Motivation can be defined as the cognitive, decision-making process through which goal-directed behaviour is initiated, energized, and directed and maintained (Buchanan Huczynski, 2004, p.244). Content Theories of motivation focus on the goals to which humans aim to achieve (Mullins, 2007, p.256). One of the earliest content theories is the needs hierarchy by Abraham Maslow (1943). Other content theories followed Maslows work, such as Alderfers ERG model and Herzbergs Two Factor theory, but the Hierarchy of Needs is the cornerstone theory on individual development and motivation. Since motivation is a determinant of behaviour and performance, content theories such as the work of Maslow aim to provide the contextual framework for understanding the various motives, and thus using the information to influence performance (Parkin, et al, 2009). The main criticism of such theories is that they lack robust empirical support, especially Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Roberts, 1982). Additionally, there is a fundamental problem in applying them in organisational settings since most of the above theories concentrate on the individual and so downgrade social interaction, culture and learning (Trigg, 2004). Nevertheless, content theories are extensively used by managers as a framework for dealing with their employees. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs in brief Dr. Maslow started his study on the hierarchy of human needs when he became interested to find out why two of his professors were so different from the rest (Maslow, 1975). Unlike previous researchers, he synthesised a wide body of research and adopted a holistic approach on studying human motivation (Francis Kritsonis, 2006). So he proposed the hierarchy of needs, consisting of five parameters, with the top level being Self-Actualisation. The top level is discussed in further detail in the next section. The pyramid below illustrates the five needs in the order of their priority. Source: Shoura Singh, 1998 Maslow (1943) briefly describes the five parameters as follows: Physiological Needs: these are the starting point for motivation and they are also called physiological needs. They include survival needs such as food, water and sleep. Safety Needs: after fulfilling the survival needs, one needs to secure his body and his job. Also, there is the need to protect his property and family. Belonging Needs: the need to belong to a social group, to love and being loved and fellowship with others. Esteem Needs: the need for recognition, achievement and independence. The need for high self-evaluation based on capability and the respect of others. Self-Actualization Needs: the advancement of the individual and humanity through elevating spirituality, true perception and growth. Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) explain that individuals progress up the pyramid in a systematic manner. In other words, once the lower need has been satisfied, it is no longer a motivator and the next parameter becomes the primary motivator. This is known as the concept of satisfaction-progression process. Moreover, Mullins (2007) adds that there exists a decreasing degree of satisfaction at each level. So as lower needs become more satisfied, higher level needs start to emerge. Finally, Maslow (1943) explains that there are exceptions, where the hierarchy is not necessarily in the proposed order for them. Examples of such exceptions include people in chronic unemployment who may lose interest in higher level needs because they seek satisfaction from low level needs. Empirical Studies and Criticism of the Hierarchy Maslows theory served as the theoretical basis for numerous research projects (Shoura Singh, 1998). Some studies found Maslows theory to be valid when empirically tested, while others criticised it for not applying to non-western cultures and other classes than the middle class. Some of the studies that confirmed the theory include the study measuring motivation levels in Venezuela by Socorro and Ramirez (1986) and in USA by Hankins and Clark (1989). In addition, a study on personality-factor tendencies in Israel by Megen (1985) found that the tendencies were highly consistent with Maslows Self-actualization characteristics. Finally, Lester et al (1983) found that the levels of satisfaction of the parameters were related to measures of neuroticism, therefore making Maslows theory credible. Recent studies by Parkin et al (2009) and Kazaz and Ulubeyli (2007) found that the decreasing degree of satisfaction of the parameters was not valid for construction workers in Turkey. They claim that higher needs appeared more accomplished than lower level needs, and that extrinsic rewards (monetary) were the main motivators. Moreover, some theoretical criticism suggests that Maslows methodology was not scientifically appropriate and that the sample he used was extremely exclusive (Trigg, 2004). Also, various authors, including Alderfer, challenged the satisfaction-progression hypothesis, saying that any one deficiency can exist along another one. Finally, Buchanan and Huczynski (2004) and Maher (2002) state that the definition of Self-actualization is too vague and leads to empirical problems, and that the hierarchy cannot fully interpret behaviour as it lacks aspects of evolution, learning, culture and social interaction. Self-Development Potential Total Self-Development, or Self-actualization, drives humans to expand awareness, beyond common materialistic knowledge, into higher consciousness levels of existence (Shoura Singh, 1998). This parameter can be linked with Total Quality Management practises in the sense that if a person is on its pursuit it means that he will extend his potential, become more operational and effective. Furthermore, the pursuit of self-actualization is responsible for the expansion of the mind, which can be very useful for organisations. This is because such employees strive to acquire understanding beyond common, available knowledge, and this can translate into human capital (Singh, 1996). Maslow (1943) states that self-actualizing people develop Being Values. These are the ultimate values that cannot be reduced to anything more ultimate (Maslow, 1975). Despite the fact that they develop during the final parameter, they still behave like needs- thats why they are called metaneeds (Goble, 2004). Failure to fulfil such metaneeds leads to the sickness of the soul, also known as metapathology. On the other hand, if such needs are fulfilled, then the individual enjoys life the most, with vivid experiences and is able to see symbolism in various aspects. Of course, this parameter is also an on-going process, where the individual goes back and forth from the previous parameter (Maslow, 1975). Motivation, Productivity and Work Many authors stress that motivation levels can affect productivity to a great extend (Parkin et al, 2009; Mullins, 2007). Yankov and Kleiner (2001) add that by applying motivation theories on organisational context can help managers understand the levels of motivation for employees and design systems for the optimization of human resources in the production. Such systems can include both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, depending on the employees indicated deficiencies. The research proposed by this essay will attempt to define the motivation parameters fulfilment using Maslows Hierarchy of need. This will give insights to managers in the specific industry on the deficiencies of the workforce. Therefore this data will assist in the development of suitable reward systems that will cover the suggested deficiencies and increase productivity through increased motivation. Why use Maslow and not any other Content theory? The proposed research will utilize Maslows theory because it is the most incorporated theory in the Business world (Buchanan Huczynski, 2004). Management fashions such as TQM, BPR and job enrichment integrate Maslows ideas for motivation since it has a broad coverage. Moreover, it is the only theory with such depth and close ties with psychology, which is one of the researchers personal interests. Proposed Methodology Research Questions What methodology must be developed for suitably assessing the motivation parameters of employees in the Construction Industry of Cyprus? What is the degree of satisfaction at each parameter of Maslows Needs Hierarchy among workers in the Construction Industry of Cyprus? How can managers use the findings to increase motivation levels, and thus productivity? Methodology related Questions What is a sufficient sample? How errors will be limited and reliability will be ensured? Approach, Target Group and Sample Sufficiency The target group for the specific research are the low ranking workers on the construction sites to be visited. These include builders, plumbers, electricians and any other technician that does not hold a managerial position. By including all the type of employees working in the Construction Industry, a holistic approach of motivation parameters will be retrieved for the whole industry. The collection of data will be obtained through personal survey by the researcher, with the uses of a quantitative questionnaire. Since the actual meaning of a dissertation is a small scale research, a sample of 50 to 70 responders should be sufficient, provided that the majority of those asked will take part in the research. As section 4 explains, responders will be randomly selected, provided that they hold a low ranking position, and the sites to be visited will be both random and specific. The questionnaire intends to include questions that cover the 5 motivational parameters, in order to be able to develop a quantitative assessment for each responder at each parameter. Each parameter will be covered by more than one question. The response to questions will be measured using a Likert Scale from 1 to 7, with 1 representing total disagreement and 7 total agreement. Additionally, the responder will be asked to respond to the same questions in terms of personal importance. Triangulation of Data The Triangulation theory enables researchers to assess and complete hypotheses (Denzin, 1978). Based on this, the questionnaire will include multiple questions studying the same variable, and also questions will be randomized to check whether responses to similar questions are matched. Evaluation Methods For data evaluation, some terminology and formulas are adopted from Shoura and Singh (1998). This also helps in cross reference compatibility. Firstly, all the questions will be grouped according to the parameter they test, and the mean value of each responder for all questions will be calculated (Quality Index numerical parameter). Then, all the QIs will be averaged to find the group QI. QI is helpful to see the instant perception of questions by responders. The same procedure will be done for the responses of the same questions for personal importance. This will be named Relevance Factor (RF). Moreover, QI will be divided by RF, and with using a convenience factor multiplication (k), it will produce a value between 1 and 100 (Scaled QI). This will serve as an additional numerical parameter for assessment. To illustrate the use of SQI, lets say that RF is high. This produces a low SQI that shows that attention must be placed on the specific parameter. Finally, regarding the central tendency theorem, the standard deviation of QI, RF and SQI will be calculated to see question responses fluctuated around the average. Where central tendency is observed, it is important to analyse the data since important conclusions can be drawn. The appendix contains the statistical formulas. Effectiveness of Proposed Methodology and Alternative methods availability The proposed methodology is expected to be effective since it appears to be rational and triangulated. In addition, the work of Shoura and Singh (1998) helped in the final formulation. A similar version was tested in Honolulu and the results were credible. This methodology can be made more effective by relating the results with demographics, where especially age is very important in the analysis of Self-Actualization. Unfortunately, integrating such an analysis will exceed the length of such a small research project. Alternative methods of assessing motivation parameters include recorded interviews with employees or with managers that lay down their views about their staff. However, this takes a qualitative data form which requires a more complex analysis. So a quantitative data collection is preferred, where responses are homogeneous and easier to analyse. Some other researchers chose to send their questionnaires through email or by post. The specific researcher prefers to be involved personally in the data collection to make sure that there is complete understanding and everything goes as planned. Ethical Considerations and Practical Considerations It is important to state once again that this research is intended to be of a small scale; therefore no generalizations can be made using its findings. Nonetheless, it can be used as a reference on future research. Moreover, subjects will be fully explained of the requirements and be assured that the research will remain anonymous and will not affect their job. This information will be printed on the questionnaire and further stressed by the researcher. Further considerations on ethics include the fact that participation is voluntary and that the completed questionnaires will not be shown to anyone. Finally, the supervisor will sign a statement confirming the purpose of the research and the results will be shown to managers whose employees participated. For the timeframe and the feasibility issues of the research see Section 4. Context, Timeframe and feasibility Context of Study The researcher plans to distribute the questionnaires in construction sites in the 4 main provinces in Cyprus Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos. Each province consists of one major city and a number of small villages around it. The sites to be visited include some specific and random. The specific sites are those known through acquaintances made during working experience. The criteria for selecting the random sites will be their convenient location and the number of workers on the site. The questionnaire will be distributed randomly to low ranking employees that are willing to participate in the research. In regards to the construction industry of Cyprus, it is a rapidly developing industry producing around 20% of the Republics GDP (CYSTAT, 2010). The particular industry also serves as a significant foreign currency earner, since properties are exported mainly to residents from the UK and Russia. The workers on the sites can be described as low skilled labour with low educational qualifications, mainly of eastern European nationalities. The specific research will only target these technicians and will exclude any qualified engineers and high ranking staff since most of them occupy a managerial position. Finally, it is observed that most firms in the industry do not have an HRM department. So any reward schemes are designed by CEOs who are not specialized in the field, especially in terms of motivation. Timeframe The time-line of the research is designed in advance. All tasks are given generous time and the plan aims to finish the whole project 2 weeks before the deadline. These actions allow for any unexpected events that may occur and disturb some tasks. The calendar in the Appendix shows the timeline in detail. Briefly, the first literature review will start on the 21 of March and last for 3 weeks. Then the questionnaire will be designed using one week and in the next two weeks, data will be collected by visiting the various sites and handing out the questionnaires. On the 1st of June, a deeper literature review will take place for 3 weeks and then the data will be recorded and analysed. After analysing the data, one week will be dedicated to studying literature and relating to results. The final task is to write the dissertation, and this will take 4 weeks. Feasibility The weeks that data will be collected are appropriate since they do not involve any holidays and workers are expected to be on the site. Also, it is a good time for the researcher since the weeks do not collide with exams or any other obligations. Finally, a friend acting as a translator is available at that specific time. Furthermore, some of the site managers were informed about the research on their staff, and are happy to collaborate. Some other conditions that need to be met to ensure the smooth running of the research include: A translator will accompany the researcher to ensure that the subjects fully understand the questions and the requirements (the translator is a friend of the researcher, speaking Bulgarian, Romanian and Turkish, that has confirmed that he will participate) The researcher will be present to provide clarifications and instructions The questions have to be designed so that the most illiterate person can understand them Identification of the Problems to be addressed The suggested research will address the problem between employees motivation and productivity, by examining the motivation parameter fulfilment on Maslows Needs Hierarchy. Through this, other problems will also be addressed. These include the lack of empirical data on the motivation levels of the workers in the specific industry that can be used by managers in order to design policies that stimulate motivation. Finally, the results can be used to find out whether contemporary reward schemes address the needs of workers or they are irrelevant and ineffective. Research Contributions Similar studies on motivation claim that they contributed both in theory and practice. Kazaz and Ulubeyli (2007) suggest that their study contributed to the enhancement of the validity of Maslows Theory but also indicated that some concepts are not completely valid. Furthermore, Parkin et al, (2009) and Shoura and Singh (1998) suggest that they provided vital insights to managers in the specific industries that will contribute to the fine-tuning of Human Resources. The specific study will also contribute to theory, in the sense that it will try to test the validity of Maslows theory in a small island society and on a lower societal class than the middle class. Additionally, it aims to add to the knowledge on the motivation levels of employees in the Construction Industry of Cyprus, which may act as an inspiration for future research. Finally, it aims to help management practice in an industry where HR expertise is limited and reward schemes are designed randomly, based on instinct and experience.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tom Sawyer :: English Literature Essays

Tom Sawyer Growing up in a small community can be hard, I won’t be the only on to tell you that, but living in one in the 1800’s was tougher. This is especially true when there’s a murdering robber who wants revenge lurking about. But it’s got its good qualities too, I mean, there’s the picnics and the adventures and everybody knows everybody so no ones threatening anybody with their strange presence. This is why The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain display such a realistic life; it portrays both the Good and Evil in a little society. There’s Evil in a small town? Isn’t that impossible? Amazingly enough, no, it’s not. A prime example of it comes straight from the book in the character Injun Joe. When we first meet Injun Joe, he’s taking part in the despicable crime of grave robbing. That’s bad enough, but he adds on to his sins with a more heinous act; murder. If you still don’t believe that’s Evil, then maybe his last two extensions are. He starts with a bout of robbery and tallies it all up with a threat to an old woman named Widow Douglas. So you see there is such a thing as iniquity in a place like Tom’s home town. But like I said, you also have some good no matter where you go, and this is especially true in the book, too. If you still want to find me at fault, just ask Huck Finn, he’d back me up anytime. See, poor Huck, though unwanted by the city adults, was worshipped by all the local boys and cherished by a few elders here and there. But there was no elder more loving towards him than Widow Douglas, especially after he saved her from Injun Joe’s wrath. She bestowed upon him the kindest, most generous gift she could think of, and that was the right to call her Mother. You can’t disagree with me now, if a drunkard’s son can become the child of a respected family, then there’s got to be some humanity in the town, too. That’s all just a story though, right? Nothing like that happens in real life, does it? I beg to differ, and after I support my claim, you probably will, too? It’s right here in the town I grew up in, all of it. Our community’s Evil struck when I was little, a mad drunk stormed through a bar and shot and killed three people.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Dreamer and the Dream :: Personal Narrative Essays

The Dreamer and the Dream Even after all these years of dreaming I am still dumbfounded by the intricacy and originality of the "props" that lie scattered across the dream stage. One of my dreams, for instance, featured a carefully crafted letter from a past love which included a map of the Pacific Coast near Seattle with a cardboard sailing ship that slowly sailed south by southwest as I lifted the page. It was so clever that I wondered out loud "how did she do that?" and turned over the page to discover a small slit made rigid with a careful application of black wax. The ship was attached by a pin which passed through the slot; the pin had a small black plastic cap that kept it in place. The mechanism was crafted so that the force of gravity caused a stately procession of the ship shortly after the page was lifted. So that's how the letter worked, but how did the dream itself work? I won't ask what it "means," but, in general, how do dreams do what they do? Are there any patterns we can detect? If I could turn my dream over what kind of pins and slots would I find? The basic pattern I sense is a dichotomy, two distinct and often opposing forces: the dreamer and the dream. The dreamer is like a hobbled version of my waking "self." Perspectives in a dream often shift in bizarre ways - one minute I am watching a movie, the next I am in the movie, first as one character then as another - but there is generally a "me" in the dream. When people describe dreams they say "I did this. Then I saw that." Despite all the shifting imagery we perceive ourselves as being "in" the dream. But the me in the dream is different from the me I experience in waking life. For one thing, I can't seem to think clearly in dreams. I've had dreams in which I struggle at great length with some simple mathematical problem; upon waking the answer is obvious. I sometimes try to take notes in my dreams but to no avail: the dream "me" cannot read. (I can "pretend read", that is, I can look at a newspaper or letter and seem to read a story, but I'm not actually seeing the words; even if I try to write I cannot see the actual words I've written. The Dreamer and the Dream :: Personal Narrative Essays The Dreamer and the Dream Even after all these years of dreaming I am still dumbfounded by the intricacy and originality of the "props" that lie scattered across the dream stage. One of my dreams, for instance, featured a carefully crafted letter from a past love which included a map of the Pacific Coast near Seattle with a cardboard sailing ship that slowly sailed south by southwest as I lifted the page. It was so clever that I wondered out loud "how did she do that?" and turned over the page to discover a small slit made rigid with a careful application of black wax. The ship was attached by a pin which passed through the slot; the pin had a small black plastic cap that kept it in place. The mechanism was crafted so that the force of gravity caused a stately procession of the ship shortly after the page was lifted. So that's how the letter worked, but how did the dream itself work? I won't ask what it "means," but, in general, how do dreams do what they do? Are there any patterns we can detect? If I could turn my dream over what kind of pins and slots would I find? The basic pattern I sense is a dichotomy, two distinct and often opposing forces: the dreamer and the dream. The dreamer is like a hobbled version of my waking "self." Perspectives in a dream often shift in bizarre ways - one minute I am watching a movie, the next I am in the movie, first as one character then as another - but there is generally a "me" in the dream. When people describe dreams they say "I did this. Then I saw that." Despite all the shifting imagery we perceive ourselves as being "in" the dream. But the me in the dream is different from the me I experience in waking life. For one thing, I can't seem to think clearly in dreams. I've had dreams in which I struggle at great length with some simple mathematical problem; upon waking the answer is obvious. I sometimes try to take notes in my dreams but to no avail: the dream "me" cannot read. (I can "pretend read", that is, I can look at a newspaper or letter and seem to read a story, but I'm not actually seeing the words; even if I try to write I cannot see the actual words I've written.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Puerto Rico and the United States Essay -- American History Puerto Ric

Puerto Rico and the United States Since Puerto Rico was first discovered by Christopher Columbus on November 19, 1493, and Spanish colonization ensued in 1508, Puerto Rico has experienced all of these pressures of identity and culture. When Columbus first arrived he found the island populated by thousands of Taino Indians who made the mistake of showing Columbus gold nuggets in the river. This was all Spain needed to finance its crown. Differences between the Spaniards and the Taints began around two years later when Diego Salcedo was killed by the Indians. The Taino Indians revolt against the Spaniards was met with no success and many left the island or fled into the mountains where they began new lives. Though living in the secluded mountains, the Tainos were still colonists of Spain, but at heart were Borinquens. Even though they were a part of the "State" of Spain, i.e. a legal and political organization, with the power to require obedience and loyalty from its citizens. (Morris, p.12) the Tainos were a Nation or "a self defined community of people who share a sense of solidarity based on a belief in a common heritage and who claim political rights that may include self determination, history, language, culture and territory". (Morris, p. 12) This was the beginning of the Foundation of the four storeyed building. In Jose Luis Gonzalez's article Puerto Rico, The Four Storeyed Country and Other Essays he too uses the metaphor of floors, stairs or foundation. Gonzalez saw that Puerto Rico's foundation though has grown more and more obscure over time, either by Puerto Ricans or other people who have transferred or erased the first and second floors. (Prof. Figueroa, lecture notes of 9/15/98) In Rosario Fe... ...tality and their way of life. The question is how much longer will it going on being this way? Bibliography: Fernandez, Ronald. The Disenchanted Island: Puerto Rico and the U.S. in the Twentieth Century. 2d. ed. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996). Ferre, Rosario. The House on the Lagoon. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995). Glasser, Ruth. My Music is My Flag: Puerto Rican Musicians in New York and their Communities, 1917-1940. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996). Gonzalez, Jose Luis. "The Four-Storey Country," in The Four-Storey Country and Other Essays. (Princeton: Marcus Weinner, 1993). Morris, Nancy. , Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics, and Identity. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995). Rigau, Jorge. Puerto Rico 1900. Santiago, Roberto (ed.), Boricuas: Influential Writings—An anthology. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1995). Puerto Rico and the United States Essay -- American History Puerto Ric Puerto Rico and the United States Since Puerto Rico was first discovered by Christopher Columbus on November 19, 1493, and Spanish colonization ensued in 1508, Puerto Rico has experienced all of these pressures of identity and culture. When Columbus first arrived he found the island populated by thousands of Taino Indians who made the mistake of showing Columbus gold nuggets in the river. This was all Spain needed to finance its crown. Differences between the Spaniards and the Taints began around two years later when Diego Salcedo was killed by the Indians. The Taino Indians revolt against the Spaniards was met with no success and many left the island or fled into the mountains where they began new lives. Though living in the secluded mountains, the Tainos were still colonists of Spain, but at heart were Borinquens. Even though they were a part of the "State" of Spain, i.e. a legal and political organization, with the power to require obedience and loyalty from its citizens. (Morris, p.12) the Tainos were a Nation or "a self defined community of people who share a sense of solidarity based on a belief in a common heritage and who claim political rights that may include self determination, history, language, culture and territory". (Morris, p. 12) This was the beginning of the Foundation of the four storeyed building. In Jose Luis Gonzalez's article Puerto Rico, The Four Storeyed Country and Other Essays he too uses the metaphor of floors, stairs or foundation. Gonzalez saw that Puerto Rico's foundation though has grown more and more obscure over time, either by Puerto Ricans or other people who have transferred or erased the first and second floors. (Prof. Figueroa, lecture notes of 9/15/98) In Rosario Fe... ...tality and their way of life. The question is how much longer will it going on being this way? Bibliography: Fernandez, Ronald. The Disenchanted Island: Puerto Rico and the U.S. in the Twentieth Century. 2d. ed. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996). Ferre, Rosario. The House on the Lagoon. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995). Glasser, Ruth. My Music is My Flag: Puerto Rican Musicians in New York and their Communities, 1917-1940. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996). Gonzalez, Jose Luis. "The Four-Storey Country," in The Four-Storey Country and Other Essays. (Princeton: Marcus Weinner, 1993). Morris, Nancy. , Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics, and Identity. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995). Rigau, Jorge. Puerto Rico 1900. Santiago, Roberto (ed.), Boricuas: Influential Writings—An anthology. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1995).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Managing Air Quality And Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

API or Air Pollutant Index is the indexs used to specify air quality. Malaysia used API system which follows Pollutant Standard Index ( PSI ) which developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency or US-EPA. Air quality issues are really planetary issue today. The haze phenomena which happened in the twelvemonth 1983, 1984, 1991, 1994 and 1997 has opened our eyes and increased consciousness that air quality issues must be treated earnestly and an effectual plan must be developed in order to supervise, prevent and control air quality. Furthermore, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ) late detected in April 2004 besides has addition consciousness on how of import clean and healthy air we needs. Malaya has growing for major transmutation from agricultural to fabricating based state since decennaries ago. Realized on this, the authorities of Malaysia has enacted The Environmental Quality Act ( EQA ) in 1974. By the twelvemonth 1977, authorities has enacted Motor Vehicle ( Control of Smoke and Gas Emissions ) to command black fume which emitted from Diesel vehicles ( Heng 2002 ) . In Malaysia, Department of Environment ( DOE ) is responsible to supervise state air quality via 51 Stationss which located in strategic topographic points either in residential and industrial countries. The increasing Numberss of industrial activities and increasing vehicles contributed significantly to air pollution. Harmonizing to DOE, motor vehicles contributed 82 % to air pollution in Malaysia. How about the vehicles statistics? Statistic by Road Transport section of Malaysia ( until March 2010 ) shows registered autos in Malaysia is 8, 506 080 units, bike with 8,940230 units and public conveyance with 162309 units. This immense Numberss of motor vehicles contribute significantly to air pollution. Therefore, risky impact of air pollution must be monitored, control and prevented as it is about impossible to unclutter it to zero degree but we can work together to cut down the impact and pollution.1.1 The VisionThe vision of the program is to command on nomadic beginnings ( motor vehicles ) and stationary beginnings ( industrial production procedure ) in Malaysia.1.2 Objective of Plan and GoalsAchieving desired air quality degree of control for nomadic beginnings and installations which emits pollutants1.3 Beginnings of Air Pollution in MalaysiaMotor vehicles are the major subscribers to air pollution with 82 % and this is followed by stationary beginnings. The beginnings which categorized in stationary are including industrial installations such as chemical workss, steel Millss, oil refineries and power workss. Generally, stationary contribute emanations about 20 % – 25 % ( DOE cited in Yahya 2006 ) . Attempts are taken by Malayan authorities to advancing sustainable envi ronment where Malaysia has been ranked 38 from 146 states worldwide in environment sustainability.1.4 Developing control schemesThe first measure to develop control schemes is finding precedence pollutants which are air pollutants. In Malaysia, industrial country and busy metropoliss such as Kuala Lumpur are largely affected with pollutants. Among identified countries are Shah Alam ( with 44 recorded unhealthy yearss per 350 yearss ) , Kuala Lumpur ( with 24 recorded unhealthy yearss ) and etc. The following measure is to look into side effects of the schemes selected. However, the development of control schemes must affect multi stakeholders working squad such as the authorities organic structures, private sectors, Non-Government organic structures ( NGO ) and the public engagement.1.5 Control SchemesThere are practical schemes in get the better ofing the issue which are:Air Quality Management schemeThis scheme consists of developing and implementing air quality criterions which co ntains elements of: Optimum control scheme Abatement steps Cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analyses Air quality appraisal Environmental harm appraisal and Abatement options of appraisalEmission control schemeEmission beginnings are determined by instance by instance footing.Fiscal inducement schemeBy this scheme, inducements such as gross revenues revenue enhancement are given for those who are commanding air pollution.Cost benefit schemeThis scheme determines rationally how much harm should accept from air pollution compared to be in cut downing the harm.2.0 Engineering Control ConceptsBy and large, there are four technology constructs that can be applied to command emanation of air pollutants which is: Changing or modifying design of procedure Changing or modifying runing status of the procedure Change of natural stuffs and fuel Installing appropriate pollution remotion devices or system3.0 Long Term PlanUsing the right schemes for long term program are important as the job arising must be identified and analyzed foremost. As illustration, a instance happens of commanding industrial pollution at Sao Paolo, Brazil. They are concentrating at particulate affair emanations which produced by industries. In other manus, dust emanations caused by traffics or Mobiles really were the major jobs and had been overlooked. Therefore, side effects, root causes and beginnings must be identified to choose incorporate and suited attacks.3.1: Emission Tax FeeFor long term Air Quality direction program, Malaysia may larn and implement as what had been implemented in Taiwan. Taiwan has introduced and implementing emanation revenue enhancement fee in 1995 for defilers. The scenario is about same as Malaysia where stationary beginnings and nomadic beginning are the chief subscribers for pollution in Taiwan. Harmonizing to Chung-H sing National University research, 50 % of SO2 emanation has been reduced since 1997 to the twelvemonth 2000. How did they make this? They used TEDS or Taiwan Emission Database as stock lists for this research. This research has shows consequences where pollutants are being connected closely with their emanation distributions. For Malayan, local universities may take portion and contribute to research that may take to high engineering invention in order to bring forth healthy air quality. There a tonss of universities that is capable in carry oning researches in Malaysia such as Universiti Sains Malaysia ( USM ) , Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ( UKM ) , Universiti Malaya ( UM ) and etc. These stairss in my sentiment are a good measure as the research can be continues for long term besides bring forthing high quality and Numberss of station alumnus pupils in Malaysia.3.2: Government EngagementIn order to accomplish developed state vision and at the same clip stay its environment sustainability, Malaysia must continuously better air quality direction which has begun in 2002. Two old ages subsequently in 2004, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment was formed which consists of 10 environment and natural resources bureaus. Happening of haze phenomena late in Muar, Johor on 19th October 2010 has opened our eyes how serious air quality and the impacts are to us. Schools were advised to shut temporarily by Deputy Prime Minister as countermeasures to forestall the state of affairs from acquiring worse. Therefore, countermeasures such as implementing rigorous Torahs should be done where compound should be implemented to those who are involved in industries which produ ce pollution, unfastened combustion, over limit emanations or fumes from nomadic and etc.3.3: Rigorous Environment Quality RegulationsChart 1: Registered Vehicles in Malaysia ( by twelvemonth ) Mobile beginnings remain as the biggest subscribers of pollutants in term of C monoxide and N oxide emanations. Harmonizing to Road Transport Department, Numberss of vehicles and Mobiles in Malaysia were increasing every twelvemonth as is Chart 1. In 2004, Environment Quality Regulation ( Control of Emission from Motorcycles ) has been gazette. This nevertheless, need to be updated from clip to clip as our state are turning even though universe economic system clime is about to retrieve. Table 3.3 ( a ) as per below shows the statistics of increasing registered Numberss of vehicles in Malaya:Year / Types of Registered vehicles2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Cars 537900 458294 468512 537092 513954 Motorcycles 422255 448751 484598 543122 441545 Public vehicles 9981 9090 7692 9713 8209 Table 3.3 ( a ) : Registered Vehicles in Malaysia as recorded by Road Transport Department ( by Year ) Large Numberss of vehicles besides means big sum of emanation. Therefore, enforcement and reappraisal of air quality ordinance must be done often and accommodate the latest demand. Department of Environment ( DOE ) Malaysia must play major functions in implementing rigorous ordinances. DOE may patterns periodic audit to premises harmonizing to Environment Quality Act 1974. Besides that, other actions that suggested to be performed are fastening new application for licensing ( as subdivision 11 ) .3.4: Public EngagementPublic engagement may guarantee that community and other parties working together in the development procedure. Populaces may involved by describing any unfastened combustion or improper industries activities in their country to the governments bureaus. Malayan may larn from US citizens civilization where persons are responsible and develop their ain program which called State Implementation Plan or SIP which related to air quality issues. Harmonizing to the program, ea ch province must hold ain SIP. Each province in US is required to hold SIP which contains schemes and control steps to get the better of pollution issues.4.0 Mobile Source Control StrategyProposed action on commanding nomadic beginnings is:Plan 4.1 New Vehicles DesignEmission from Mobiles can be controlled by assorted methods. One of the methods is utilizing catalytic convertors. Catalytic convertor was a device introduced by a Gallic mechanical applied scientist whom is Eugene Houdry. The catalytic are functioned to diminish toxic emanations from internal burning engine. Nowadays, autos are equipped with this device which maps to cut down C monoxide, VOCs and NOx emanations. Vehicles are besides can plan to accommodate environment friendly and at the same clip utilizing less polluting fuels. Therefore, less emanation and pollutants are produced.Plan 4.2 Conduct Awareness plan and runUsing media, public run, seminars and uninterrupted plan on may increase consciousness on emanations produced by Mobiles or stationary beginnings. Media plays large influences in our life daily particularly in presenting information. Educating people particularly at school and universities may implement from now on to ‘born ‘ the earlier consciousness. In guaranting the run works efficaciously, internet web can be selected as a medium to present messages such as ‘Green Technology ‘ run in TV3 channel.Plan 4.3 Amendment and presenting consecutive regulations and ordinancesGovernment organic structures such as Road Transport Department ( JPJ ) could play of import map such as carry oning on a regular basis and scheduled vehicles review. Inspection and ca re is a best manner to guarantee emanations are controlled right and efficaciously. In United States, rider autos and trucks are required to run into rigorous pollution criterions before it can be sold to market. Malaysia besides can implement and better this method better particularly for vehicles which has been used for more than 5 old ages. In other words, rigorous pollution criterions are reviewed and implemented on a regular basis. Besides that, higher compound can be introduced to do certain the ordinances are effected efficaciously.Plan 4.4 Introducing and advancing Green Technology Mobiles in MalayaPresents, intercrossed engine and electric autos has been get downing to developed and marketed. Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi and other elephantine automotive companies are viing with each other to bring forth environment friendly autos. In order to command Mobiles emanations in Malaysia, why non PROTON, PERODUA and MODENAS working together to develop loanblend and electric based engines which involved motorcycles, autos, trucks and MPV ‘s. This measure may guarantee that our hereafters are cleaner where less fumes and emanations are produced. Malaysia still used gasoline based and so far, no loanblend or to the full electric based engines can be found on the route. By taking action today, who knows, possibly all vehicles in the hereafter are 90 % utilizing electric and intercrossed engines. This issue has been raised by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin whom urged Malayan companies to put in developing green and clean engineering for future vehicles. Collaboration with local universities, sellers and makers could recognize this program as Malaysia had more than 690 maker of constituents and 110 of bikes makers.Plan 4.5 Applying technology control constructsLet ‘s take an illustration from India as something we could larn and adapted. In India, 70 % of air pollution is caused by motor vehicles, two shot engines as the major subscriber, use of old autos which is more than 20 old ages and uses of low quality fuel with high S contents ( in Diesel ) . Therefore, the countermeasures taken are bettering fuel quality ; strengthen care and review and decrease of benzine from 3 % to merely 1 % . The constructs of alteration of natural stuffs and fuels are efficaciously solved this issue. In Malaysia, we could see vehicles which are 5 old ages and sometime ages up to 10 old ages are still traveling on the route. This civilization is wholly different in Japan where they will alter to new autos after it achieve five old ages of use. Why non in Malaysia, we strengthen review and care policy for vehicles for every 5 old ages or less? This could guarantee that vehicles on the route are safe and lone bring forth little per centum of emanations.Plan 4.6 Bettering Fuel QualityMost underdeveloped states are working on cut downing contents of S and lead. By bettering fuel quality, it is indirectly presenting Compressed Natural Gas ( CNG ) which free of S and lead. PETRONAS nevertheless has done fuel quality betterment by being the first oil company in Malaysia whom offer ‘SL ‘ service categorization of American Petroleum Institute ( API ) . Now, PETRONAS is perchance the fi rst in the universe which offer engine oil with new API ‘SM ‘ categorization. Therefore, support from authorities and uninterrupted researches are required to better fuels quality from clip to clip. Universities and private sectors should works together in this scheme as engineering can be portion and being improved from clip to clip.5.0 Stationary Beginnings Control StrategyPower works, smelters, cement workss, refineries and other industrial procedures are categorized as stationary beginnings. The factors that must be considered to choose appropriate scheme are: Stationary beginning status Control of efficiency required and Pollutant collected Therefore, suggested program to command stationary beginnings in Malaysia are:Plan: 5.1 Interstates coordination and cooperationNatural gas are widely use in power generating sectors. Due to that, interstate plan can be introduced to command letter papers particularly in identified country with high possible pollution such as industries country and extremely development or building country. Harmonizing to Country Synthesis Report on Urban Air Quality Management ( 2006 ) , major industries which impacting air quality in Malaysia are: Iron and steel industry Oil and gas industry Petrochemical sectors Pulp and paper Power workss and Waste incineration sector Therefore, attempts are taken to cut down dependence on the use of natural gas since Eight Malaysia Plan and it is expected to cut down to 56 % in the twelvemonth 2010. Government should work hard on this continuously as we could non depend 100 % on natural gas and crude oil beginnings as the costs are acquiring higher for the exploring costs. Systematic informations and constitution of informations centre which portions information between provinces may roll up all information demands, analysis intent and looking for the countermeasures based on instance by instance.Plan: 5.2 Application of Nano-technologyNowadays, we can hear everybody speaking about Nano-technology development. What is meant by Nano-technology? Harmonizing to Merriam-Webster Dictionary ( 1987 ) , it is define as â€Å" an art of pull stringsing stuffs on an atomic or molecule particularly to develop microscopic devices † . Construction stuffs, merchandises such as skate board and etc and place applications merchandise can be produce by this method. As an illustration, air conditioner are developed utilizing this new engineering. For air conditioner, Nano Carbon, Nano Silver and NanoPhotocatalyst are some of the illustrations that have been marketed. Therefore, authorities may give support by cut downing revenue enhancement and monetary values to Malaysians in order to promote them to purchase these types of merchandises.Plan 5.3 Applying control engineeringsStationary beginnings can be control by using technology control concepts every bit mentioned above ( publish 2.0 ) such as use of low Sulfur fuels. As an illustration, TNB power Stationss in Jana Manjung as reported in TV3 is utilizing low Ss and low bitumen coal as its chief beginnings in bring forthing electric power and at the same clip cut down pollution. The works was equipped with waste H2O intervention to handle its wastewater before released into the sea. The works can be the best samples as it meet higher emanation criter ions in ASEAN as it operates to particulate degrees of merely 50 mg/NmA? compared to expected ASEAN degree which is 400 mg/NmA? . Even though the cost is high, this application is seems benefit us and at the same clip control and cut down pollution. The other method is through fuel pricing where cleaner fuels should included in economic inducements. Due to this, cleaner fuels may gazette as control monetary value points in Malaysia. This has been announced on 10th June 2010 by Malayan Prime Minister, Dato ‘ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak on RMK 10 where he stressed that the monetary value of those points are guaranteed will non to increased dramatically.Plan 5.4 Adapting International Standard Organization ( ISO )ISO is a widely known organisation which formed connexion between public sectors and authorities. In order to accomplish desired degree of control, implementing ISO criterions may one of effectual schemes as the criterions are compiled in inside informations. The illustrations of criterions which can be applied are: No. Standard Aims 1. ISO8573-1:2010 Specify pureness of tight air at peculiar point 2. ISO8573 Parts 2 to 9 To prove air tight system for specific contaminations 3. ISO8573-4:2001 Test method for solid atom content 4. ISO8573-6:2003 Test method for gaseous contamination content Modern installations which required by ISO already included effectual attacks which the ends are to accomplish stringent air quality degrees.Plan 5.5 Promoting cleaner productionsThis means, effectual and procedure were running with high efficiency to forestall or cut down pollution of air, H2O and air. By proper direction of production, stuffs, energy and cost can be salvage a batch. Besides that, presenting licence or particular license for extremely pollutant procedures can be done in productions.Plan 5.6 Industrial Zoning PlanningBasically, industries country should turn up far from residential or sensitive countries. Resettlement of bing industries zone besides can be considered but that depends on economical factors. For sensitive country, monitoring can be done by turn uping proper instruments to supervise and command emanations. Resettlement of major beginning of pollution besides can be considered as had been done for cement works in Haiphong, Vietnam. The works has identifi ed by Vietnam Environmental Management Strategy as major subscribers of suspended particulates. As solutions, the authorities of Vietnam has agreed to relocate the works as the best countermeasure.6.0 Factors should considered during development of control schemesConsideration must be taken before developing and implementing control schemes efficaciously. The factors which must be review are:Economic factorsEconomic factors that must be considered are capital, runing cost, life clip of equipments and care. The chief inquiries here will be who will bear the cost? Ideally, the authorities must put for the installations and latest engineering must be updated particularly for high engineering equipments, the operating cost and care occupation to keep it. Therefore, those who are involve and caused pollution should pay or compounded or utilizing the ‘Polluter Pays Principles ‘ . This is besides a manner to bring forth and obtain support. This can be used for environmental intent, care of equipments such as monitoring devices, runing cost and as a fund for implementing schemes. This has been implemented in Taiwan where the financess are used for financing advanced thoughts and besides back uping research sing air quality issues.6.0.2 Environmental factorsAir quality conditions in Malaysia are monitored by Department of Environment ( DOE ) through 51 Stationss. In add-on, 21 different sites utilizing High Volume Sampler were established to mensurate entire suspended particulate, particulate affair PM10 and heavy metal. Therefore, possible industry country such as palm oil workss, steel industries, cements and etc must aimed as precedence country to be monitored. Presents, environment conditions are altering instantly. Why? Haze phenomena are something must be look at. It happens 1000s stat mis from Malaysia and all of a sudden we faced the effects here. In planing effectual control scheme, factor that must be considered includes: Legal demands Contribution of control system as pollutant Ambient air quality conditions Adequate public-service corporations such as H2O scrubbers Malayan Environment Quality Act 1974 is related to bar, sweetening to environment and control of pollution. As the clip maintain traveling on, these statute laws should be review as environment and pollution issues are being wider range now. One the issue is haze which has been faced by Malaysia late. Therefore, control scheme as rigorous statute laws is one of good method which can be applied in Malaysia. In most underdeveloped states, rigorous criterions are set and applied for new imported autos as a manner to cut down bing job of pollution in a metropolis. As DOE is the section whom supervising air quality conditions, they are responsible to turn up the monitoring devices. As to day of the month, strategic locations has been equipped with Continuous Air Quality Monitoring Station as per below image. Photograph 6.0.2a: Continuous Air Quality Monitoring Station ( DOE Photo Library ) Besides that, ambient air quality is monitored by 51 Stationss which located strategically. Therefore, these equipments must be maintained and new 1s should be considered if air quality in that new country ( such as industry or extremely polluted ) detected harmful to human wellness.Engineering factorsBesides environment and economic factor, technology factors besides play of import functions. Engineering factors should be considered in developing schemes. Factors such as gas watercourse characteristic, public presentation features of control system used, contaminant characteristic i.e. toxicity must be identified and analyzed. Therefore, this may assist a batch in developing the right approaches or schemes. Besides that, it is of import to see all technology instruments available. This is because experience has shows that utilizing multiple is most effectual for peculiar air issue. As an illustration, an beforehand analysis of the effectual analysis of a scheme implemented has been done in Chennai, India. Assessment was conducted and sulfur dioxide emanation has emanating in populated country from thermic workss. By engaging adept advisers, scrubbers and mechanical dust aggregators has been chosen as the most effectual pick to work out this issue. As the consequences, sulfur dioxide emanations from thermic works have been reduced to 90 % . From this scenario, we can state that thorough analysis must be conducted before placing and accommodate the best scheme to be adapted. Today, tonss of modern and sophisticated equipments or devices available for the intent of commanding pollution. It can be used as tools for monitoring, commanding, destructing contaminations from exhaust watercourse and to take them before it is emitted to atmosphere. Some of the devices that can be usage are bag houses, particulate scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators and mechanical aggregator such as dust cyclone. Therefore, using new engineerings for both of pollution beginnings should be considered in developing control schemes.DecisionsMultiple pick of schemes are seems the better manner in battling Mobile and stationary beginnings of pollution. The selected attacks may non accommodate all instance at one clip. It may depend on the root cause or emanations produced. Due to that, depending on merely one method of attacks or schemes is non a good pattern. The impact of side effects or pro and cons of a scheme being develop must be studied and good plan. Again, coaction with authorities organic structures, private sectors and local universities can be formed for these intents. This is due that to assorted establishments whether authorities or non authorities are responsible to pull off and keeping air quality in Malaysia. In short, cooperation is extremely required for preparation of effectual schemes. Public sectors may affect in assisting authorities implementing control schemes. Therefore, squad work is indispensable in developing and implementing selected schemes. In implementing a scheme whether in get the better ofing Mobile or stationary beginnings, the scheme itself should develop in cooperation with authorities, private sectors, and besides civil society. By this manner, it will advance sense of ownership particularly to guarantee the successful of 1 Malaysia non merely for development of our state, economic but including environment issues. However, those developed schemes must be monitored. This is due to of import of showing clearly the different phases or stages of execution. Therefore, the advancement can be tracked and the scheme can be improved. Media besides could play of import functions in scattering information and consciousness sing air quality plan. This is easier as cyberspace is one of the best options available. This scheme has been implemented in China as their authorization ‘s organic structures describing on pollutants in 42 metropoliss as an consciousness plan get downing from the twelvemonth of 1999.

Married Lifestyle vs. Single Lifestyle Essay

There are advantages and disadvantages to being married or single. Some married couples share every aspect of their lives including, work, children and marital related issues while some may opt to have a joint bank account . While this may help each spouse financially, one person always has to consent with the other before making any serious purchases. However, single people don’t need anyone’s consent nor do they have to share. Children are another thing married couples and single people have to consider. Having children can be a great thing, especially with someone there to help share the responsibility of raising those children. Whereas, single people may ultimately struggle with things such as, child care, the cost of raising a child on their own, and being the responsible party. Goals are also a big factor, because some married couples have a hard time agreeing on or reaching common goals. A single person is only responsible for their own goals and how they choose to reach them. Over time, the passion may seem to cool in married couples. The couple may not be as sexually active as they once were due to the routine each lives. They may be busy with work or kids, or unfortunately, simply desensitized to one another. Some married couples work on keeping their sex life interesting. On the other hand, it isn’t hard for a single person to keep things interesting and new in the bedroom, because they may have as many sexual partners as they please, and this may seem fun. But sometimes, for them the work is finding the right sexual partner. In a marriage, not only could you have sex when you want, but you can enjoy intimacy as well. According to [Eve Prajonyud, Single Versus Married Life-Pros and Cons] â€Å"The cons of both lifestyles differ from person to person. If you are involved in a bad marriage than single life will seem like a dream come true. Likewise, if you are unable to find someone to spend your time with, then you will likely feel lonely and frightened no matter how successful your life is. The key to weighing the differences is actually in enjoying the lifestyle you have while you have it.† (Eve Prajonyud) People living single lifestyles have freedom to do what they want . For instance, if they were offered a well-paying job a thousand miles away from where they lived, they could simply take the job and move without anyone else to consider. Married couples don’t have that same option. The goals of married couples and single people may be different. For example, a married couple may be saving up money toward the goal of purchasing a bigger house in the future, for a growing family. They may be working toward a better lifestyle than they started with as a newlywed couple. They might attain a degree together or maybe just save up for a couples vacation . Single people may choose to focus completely on their career, instead of a family. Their main goal may be reaching top status in their profession before focusing on a family. Their goal may also be to attain a degree, or saving money to travel or buy a house. There may be a difference in the career choices of married and single people. For instance, married couples may have to work around each other’s schedule and still have time to spend with one another. Single people don’t have to worry about that if that happen to have a job or career that is very time consuming. Both lifestyles can be challenging in many different ways. Whether it’s children, sharing, or setting individual or marital goals. Works Cited Prajonyud, E. Single Versus Married Life. Retrieved on April 1, 2013 from