Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Farmhand by James Baxter Essay

This poem was written by James Baxter who was born and lived in New Zealand. He was brought up in a farm in a quiet and bleak south east corner of New Zealand. The poem is about a farmhand who is portrayed to be a very ambivalent character. He is unhappy and rather diffident in certain situations and extremely confident and gloriously happy in others. Some â€Å"old wounds† a past experience or probably â€Å"the secret night† which has witnessed some deep dark personal experiences relate to his emotions and melancholy. However all his sadness is vanquished once on the farm where he feels like a king. In the first two stanzas the poet describes the Farmhand as he stands outside the dancing floor. The first stanza tries to give the impression from his gestures that he is a careless person not interested in what is going around him the way he is smoking and joking with his friends. But as the poet helps us observe him closer and find him † Looking out into the secret night† and † always his eyes turning to the dance floor and the girls† we realize that the farmhand is not as he appears to be. It is obvious that he desires and longs to be inside but something is holding him back. Describing girls as â€Å"drifting like flowers† shows how he is able to appreciate their beauty and grace inspite of his work and natural settings being devoid of them. Music is personified to show effect. Baxter says the music is so emotive that the â€Å"music tears slowly in his mind an old wound open† reveals that he has had an unpleasant sad emotional experience and the deep wound has not yet healed. Painful memories may be still fresh and surface upon watching the girls dance on the floors or listening to the music or even gazing at the dark night, which shares his secret and sorrow. The reader feels very sympathetic towards the farmhand in the second stanza when the poet writes, â€Å"His red sunburnt face and hairy hands were not made for dancing or love -making†. The description of his bodily features convey he is unappealing to the girls of upper social class and not fit to indulge in â€Å"dancing and socializing or love making† which is privilege of the elite and handsome. The farmhand is engaged in an occupation, which benefits and is a necessity to all mankind. Yet his sacrifice and selfless attitude to his work is not appreciated and he feels inhibited and diffident to mix with girls because of his external appearance and social standing. He is categorized as only fit for: earth wave breaking and for using the plough† The crops are described as â€Å"slow-growing as his mind†. This simile maybe interpreted as slow to reveal his emotions and express his thoughts and feelings and may possibly be the reason he is yet to have a girlfriend or wife. The fourth stanza talks of the farmhand’s loneliness and vacuum he experiences in life. He longs for someone to love and someone who loves and cares for him. Like other people of his age and he yearns to have someone to walk with, to laugh and share life with. He has his hopes and dreams but he feels because of his â€Å"hairy hands† and â€Å"sunburnt face† he may only be able to weave or yarn dreams but they may never become a reality. Here again the reader is moved, as life has been so harsh to the farmhand because of the nature of his job that he is now even diffident and embarrassed to dream and hope. In the last stanza the poet tells us that the Farmhand is in his domain The Farm and once in his natural element he is confident and comfortable. His looks don’t affect him and his low self-esteem is vanquished. The sound of the tractor engine is music to his ears one which energizes him, not which makes him nostalgic and sad. His hairy hands, which seemed clumsy around delicate girls on the dance floor, are perfect for his job he carries out effortlessly. The poet uses the exclamation†Ah† as an exclamation of admiration towards the farmer and how perfectly he fits his role and job! It is touching to note that the persona has not been given a name and is referred throughout as â€Å"Farmhand† gives the impression that he has no personal identity and is known and recognized by his job around which his life revolves. He lives for his job.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Deception in the Twelfth Night Essay

Deception is seen widely throughout the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Many characters are very clear about who they are and what their motives are, while some are more manipulative. Deception is shown through the clearness of Orsino’s character and the way Viola (Cesario) deceives people to play a man. Orsino is a character in the Twelfth Night that is considered much understood. He is very upfront about his actions and motives. This is portrayed in the way that Orsino loves Olivia and the way he will do anything it takes to get her to be with him. He makes it very clear that there is only one thing that he wants: to be with Olivia. As Orsino states his love in the play, â€Å"Oh, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, methought she purged the air of pestilence. That instant was I turned into a hart, and my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, e’er since pursue me† (1. 1. 20-24). He is very upfront about who he is; as the count, he is better than the people around him and gets what he wants. The way that Olivia thinks so highly of him as a Duke, demonstrates how he is better than the people around him: â€Å"Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble, of great estate, of fresh and stainless youth. In voices well divulged, free, learned, and valiant; and in dimension and the shape of nature, a gracious person† (1. 5. 260-64). Orsino is a noteable character who is straightforward and determined to get what he wants. Viola (Cesario), on the other hand, is completely deceptive of who she is. Although she deceptively dresses as a man, Viola does it so that she can stay alive in Illyria. The Captain is the only one who really knows what Viola is doing. As the Captain says, â€Å"Be you his eununch, and mute I’ll be. When my tongue blabs, then let mine eyes not see,† (1. 3. 65-66) which he also knows the reasons of doing. Throughout the entire play, Viola has to lie about who she is, but hints about her secret occasionally, like when she speaks with Orsino: â€Å"I am all the daughters of my father’s house, and all the brothers, too—and yet I know not†.   Viola is a main example of a character that is deceptive by their appearance in the Twelfth Night. Deception is being deceived or mislead by false appearances or statements. There are different kinds of deception in the Twelfth Night, by appearance or by Shakespeare’s word choice. Deception by appearance is an easily seen trait throughout different characters in the play. Orsino is a great example of someone who is the opposite of deceptive, whereas Viola is one of the most deceptive by her appearance and can be seen throughout the play the Twelfth Night.


Bryce Langdon Professor Joliffe English 1301 17 October 2010 Smokers Smoking tobacco has been around for many thousands of years and cigarettes specifically have been around for a few thousand as well. Smoking can be split up into several classifications with three of the primary ones being those people who smoke to reduce tension, people who socially smoke and habit smokers. Regardless of the type of smoker a person is, smoking is an addiction and harmful not only to the smoker but to family members, coworkers and any other person who comes into contact with the second-hand smoke.Social Smokers. Casual smokers are those who typically do not inhale the cigarette smoke. They are not addicted to the nicotine. Some may think they are safe from the harm of a cigarette by â€Å"pretending† to smoke, but do not let this kind of smoking fool you. A person is still getting some of the affects of the smoke on top of other environmental toxins and second-hand smoke. Many times the casua l smoker is only compensating for something being in their hands and often times will turn into a regular smoker. Casual smokers often times smoke a lot more than he or she will publicly admit.Many regular smokers envy the casual smoker because they believe that they have better control over their addiction and can stop on a dime but the fact of the matter is that most casual smokers end up smoking for false pleasures, trying to feel like they did when they were non-smokers (QuitSmokinGuide. com, 2009). Smokes to Reduce Tension. A person who smokes to reduce tension uses the cigarette to manage negative effects, stressful situations and feelings of anger, fear, and anxiety. These type of smokers are often considered â€Å"light smokers† because life is full of stressful situations , hence the tension.Light smokers typically smoke between half a pack to one pack a day. Casual smokers easily slip into this smokes to reduce tension classification and often have been smokers, qui t, and taken up smoking once again, several times. Many light smokers could still benefit from products aimed at reducing nicotine addiction, like nicotine gum or counseling, however changing priorities and lifestyle often help these type of smokers kick their habit (Painter, 2009). Habit Smokers. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1. 3 billion people are smokers worldwide and smokers die an average fifteen years sooner than nonsmokers (Hawkins).For most habit smokers, smoking is not even enjoyable any more. People often have developed a behavioral pattern that causes them to light up as a response to a cue, for example a cup of coffee or getting into the car. Habit smokers can fall into the category of heavy to chain smokers who consume anywhere from two to more than three packs a day. When the habit smoker takes the steps necessary to quit smoking the possible withdrawal symptoms can be ugly but one must remember these are results from the person smoking not because they decided to stop.Such symptoms could include tingling or numbness in the arms and legs, severe headaches, diarrhea or constipation, and a overall uncomfortable feeling. CONCLUSION With several classifications of smokers, they are have similar characteristics for example they are cause lung damage. However, depending on the degree of smoker that a person is depends on how difficult it is going to be for the person to quit once they actually put their mind to it. No matter the classification, any person who quits smoking will be making a difference right away.A person’s taste and smell will get better, along with breathe smelling better, decrease in nasty cough, and more importantly add years onto the end of their life.Works Cited â€Å"Casual Smokers. † QuitSmokingGuide. com. 2009. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . Painter, K. â€Å"Your Health: Light smokers could need help quitting, too. † USA Today 16 November 2009: n. pag. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . â€Å"Smoking Cla ssification. † Projects for Students by Students. Oracle ThinkQuest, n. d.. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . â€Å"Types of Smokers (by Cigarette Consumption). † Nursing Research (n. d. ): n. pag. Web. 19 Oct 2010. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ace Jeans Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ace Jeans - Speech or Presentation Example Ace Jeans views is the designer collection of denims, aimed at the sophisticated, feminine, stylish and confident lady, who is not afraid to showcase her intrinsic beauty! Ace Jeans, which is a new entrant in the denim pants market, embarks on its USP, which is its composition---certified organic cotton, non-toxic, denim. The production is based in Mexico, which significantly lowers production costs; and manufacturing is done though Border Assembly Inc. With L'Atelier as the west coast and east coast distributor in the United States, Ace Jeans is all set to invade the market. The brand will be available in local boutiques in Los Angeles and New York, as well as high-end department stores such as Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Nordstrom , thus entering the horizon associated with elite wear. Say the brand owners, "We currently do not have our own brand store, therefore saving a good amount of money and cutting certain overhead charges that would typically occur running a store.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Facing it paper assignment1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Facing it paper assignment1 - Essay Example The scene of the poem is the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Washington D.C., which lists the names of the American Army personnel who died in the war. The poem deals with the images of this experience. The poem is autobiographical, being based on his stint in Vietnam. Written in the first person point-of-view, the narrator of â€Å"Facing It† is Yusef. This point of view gives the poem a very intimate tone. The reader is absorbed into the mind of the poet and sees the Memorial through his eyes. The poet’s point-of-view narrative in â€Å"Facing It† expresses his confrontation of his own emotions, shows his empathy for others and explores his search for closure. As Yusef faces the Memorial, he confronts his own emotions and experiences during the Vietnam War. The Memorial is a wall of black, polished stone. The high polish results in the images of viewers being reflected off the names of the dead soldiers which are inscribed on the wall. In effect, Yusef tre ats the polished granite wall as a looking glass reflecting the images of war. By adopting this perspective, Yusef sees himself in the wall. He asserts his African-American identity in the very beginning of the poem: â€Å"My black face fades/hiding inside the black granite† (Yusef, 1 / 2). ... However, to the poet’s frustration, this device of melding with the stone does not guard him against pain of his powerful emotions. However much he tries to hide within the wall, and insulate himself from pain by exerting a rock-like self-control, Yusef has to finally acknowledge that he is a living man, with all the sensitivity of living flesh: â€Å"I’m flesh† Yusef accepts (Yusef, ---5). It is obvious that the poet is moved to tears by the recollection of his war experiences. As he views the wall through tear-filled eyes, it is his â€Å"clouded reflection† (Yusef, ---6--) which stares back at him. Yusef pays his personal homage to the dead by going â€Å"down the 58,022 names† (Yusef, ---14) inscribed on the wall. Andrew Johson is obviously someone he knew in the war. The poet relives the horror of the soldier’s death in â€Å"the booby trap’s white flash† (Yusef, --- 18). Yusef’s mention of â€Å"half-expecting to f ind my own in letters like smoke† conveys to the reader his puzzlement at the arbitrary nature of war. He is alive while 58,022 men died. There is a hint of guilt in this image. This sentiment also makes Yusef particularly sensitive to the pain of those who lost loved ones in the war. Yusef empathizes with the other visitors to the Memorial. He sees â€Å"Names shimmer on a woman’s blouse† (Yusef, 19). Like Yusef, this woman is also there to pay homage to the dead. It is likely that there is a name on that wall which belongs to a loved one with whom she identified in life. But now, â€Å"when she walks away, the names stay on the wall† (Yusef, --- 20 / 21). The dead are irrevocably gone and the woman has to leave her love behind in the dead wall. The separation is final. A white veteran approaches Yusef. The man’s

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Seismic Mitigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Seismic Mitigation - Essay Example Recovery is sometimes defined as a return to pre-disaster conditions; or the term may refer to a community resembling its own characteristics in the absence of the disaster occurrence, in terms of population size or economic output. Another definition of ‘recovery’ â€Å"recognises that after a disaster, a community often undergoes significant change, so that it may never return to either the pre-disaster or without-disaster states† (Olshansky and Chang, 2009, p.201). This approach defnes ‘recovery’ as the post-disaster attainment of a stable state or condition. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate seismic mitigation, post-disaster recovery, and reconstruction in regions devastated by earthquakes. Reconstruction and Recovery after Earthquakes The ‘Disaster Life Cycle’ model refers to the five time periods that comprise the life cycle of a disaster. These include the â€Å"pre-impact period, the impact period, the immediate post-impact period, the short-term recovery period, and the long-range recovery period† (Fischer, 1998, p.7). ... t-disaster recovery is a critical component of the disaster cycle, because also provides significant opportunities for mitigation† (Olshansky and Chang, 2009, p.201), and consequently helps to break the cycle. The reasons include the requirement for new construction, the flow of post-disaster funding, and the ‘window of opportunity’ of increased awareness created by the disaster. Smith and Wenger (2007) emphasize on the importance of developing an ethic of sustainable recovery. Stakeholders and their Role in Seismic Mitigation In present times, city planners prepare plans related to emergency response and preparedness issues, which were conventionally undertaken by civil defense or municipal emergency officers, states Edgington (2011). On the other hand, Meyer et al. (2010) and Sandnik and Fuller (2009) argue that planners do not take into consideration the likelihood of a major disaster, and that none of the stakeholders plan longer-term recovery and reconstructio n procedures. Although planning for urgent emergency response and short-term repairs to housing and infrastructure following earthquakes, floods, and other disasters is important, longer term building of cities and regions subsequent to catastrophic disasters raises a completely different set of problems. In contemporary disaster recovery practices, the emphasis is on complex problems regarding decision-making by the stakeholders involved in long term recovery, which include households, different levels of governmental and international agencies, businesses and the broader community. Planning professionals work towards rebuilding the regions and communities affected by seismic devastation. They aim to reduce the losses, to accelerate the process, and to assist communities in becoming more resilient to

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Impact of Changes to Financial Management and Organizational Research Paper

The Impact of Changes to Financial Management and Organizational Culture - Research Paper Example Australian Industrial Relations of collective bargaining coverage too is falling, albeit under a quite different set of circumstances. Let us start with the obvious: Australia is a federation of states and territories. Nolan (1998) has provided a useful perspective of the Australian labour law reforms in the latter half of the last decade of the previous century. His concept was to undertake Australia as a federation and then state by state analyzing the status, of collective bargaining. Multi-employer awards, procured through conciliation and arbitration, at both federal and state level, were historically the primary forms of wage fixing. In 1990 such awards were estimated to cover some 5,652,200 employees – about 80 per cent of the labour force (McCarry, 1998). At the federal level in Australia, enterprise bargaining has been promoted through the Reform Act 1993, amending the Industrial Relations Act 1988 and the Workplace Relations Act 1996. (Patterson, 2001) The 1993 amend ment allowed for certified agreements and enterprise flexibility agreements; the Workplace Relations Act restricted the nature of awards and provided for Australian Workplace Agreements. Both certified agreements and Australian Workplace Agreements can be union-free and individual employment contracts. According to ACIRRT (1999) at this situation level, only New South Wales and Queensland (both underneath industry governments) have promoted legislation painstaking to protect reconciliation and arbitration and multi-employer awards. Victoria has ceded its industrial relations powers to the Federation; Western Australia has adopted a voluntarism system that has spread rapidly.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pros of Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pros of Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example 1). Allowing same sex couples to marry support the basic principles of American democracy. Further, by legalizing same sex marriages, same sex relationships are legitimatized. In addition, through the approval of same sex marriages, heterosexual marriages are neither harmed nor compromised in any way; but would strengthen homosexual relationships. In this regard, one contends that same sex marriages should be allowed and state legislatures should approve same sex marriage in all states. When state legislations allow same sex couples to marry, they abide by the basic principles of American democracy, to wit: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ... [and] that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed† (Head, 2006, p. 3). By disallowing same sex marriages through the Defense of Marriage Ac t (DOMA), enacted by Congress in 1996, â€Å"which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allows states to do the same† (NCSL:Same Sex Marriage, 2011, p. 1), the government is in fact issuing legislations contrary to the basic principles of democracy. As emphasized by Head (2006), â€Å"if we amend the Constitution to restrict rights, rather than to protect them, we set an ominous precedent† (p. 3). ... Head (2006) stressed that â€Å"state bans on gay sex were ineffective at banning gay sex, and state bans on gay marriage are equally ineffective at preventing lesbian and gay couples from having weddings, exchanging rings, and spending the rest of their lives together† (p. 4). Legitimizing their union would therefore promote values of accepting their partnership as a reality of live that exists in social circles the world over. Likewise, Jost (2003), in his article on â€Å"Gay Marriage† published in the CQ Researcher indicated that by legalizing the union between same sex spouses, children being raised by them would be acknowledged. The same article cited the U.S. Census Bureau (2000) as disclosing that 43% of unmarried couples have children, where 22.3% are same sex male couples and 34.3% are same sex female couples (Jost, 2003, p. 725). The all important question raised by Head (2006) was â€Å"if the legal institution of marriage is good for the children of hetero sexual parents, why should the children of lesbian and gay couples be punished by their government simply because of the sexual orientation of their parents† (Head, 2006, p. 5)? Laumann (2002) cited in American Academy of Pediatrics revealed the findings that â€Å"No data have pointed to any risk to children of growing up in a family with one or more gay parents† (p. 344). Finally, through the approval of same sex marriages, heterosexual marriages are neither harmed nor compromised in any way; but would strengthen homosexual relationships. The advocates of same sex marriage and their supporters have argued that legitimizing same sex unions would not affect or influence the rate of matrimony or the incidence of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How I Came to be an Engligh Major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How I Came to be an Engligh Major - Essay Example But some things never change, like the timeless principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Benjamin Franklin, who stress the importance of adhering to biblical precepts when communicating one’s message – an ideal that I especially appreciate as an ordained minister. I chose my major in order to truly make a difference in the way information is relayed to society, and a student who aspires to a career in public relations or broadcasting, I believe that I have taken the first step toward improving the communications field so that will work to edify society – not tear it down. As an ordained minister, I have an acute awareness of how crucial it is to accurately communicate the truth in order to have an effective ministry, and this extends into my career ambitions to excel in public relations or broadcasting. It is readily seen throughout the media that audiences desperately desire honest and objective reporting grounded in the truth. If people wanted a fictional spin, they would resort to fiction literature or other forms of entertainment such as the box office or prime time television. But in today’s information craze, highlighted by Facebook, Twitter, reality TV, and talk shows, people want to know the bare truth about events and one another. And the demand for the communicators of this information is growing exponentially. The decision to become an English or Communications major puts one at the center of this frenzy that insatiably yearns for intimate information about the world. Anchoring my education in a degree that strengthens my communication skills and equips me to effectively and objectively report to readers, listeners, or viewers ? who want to cut through the chase and get the unembellished and accurate information they need ? is of the essence. But this objective is not just a modern convention, as one of our nation’s founders, Benjamin Franklin, also recognized the need for integrity when communicating with oth ers more than two centuries ago when he wrote about the virtue of sincerity, â€Å"Use no hurtful Deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly,† (DiYanni 231). Even though the truth may hurt, people like to hear it told like it is, and Franklin bases this on a timeless biblical principle, â€Å"Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks the truth,† (The NIV Study Bible, Prov. 16.13). Regardless of the way Hollywood glorifies using deceit to get one’s way, the conscience of people ultimately directs them to seek and honor truth over lies. One of the allures to the viral intrigue of social media sites is the honesty and uncensored expression from which people are allowed to indulge, without having to adjust their lingo to political biases or other climates that stifle one’s free expression in the real world. This is why we are seeing a new age of news media, with many independent bloggers and reporters from localities that report on people and events without being filtered by bureaucracies or company politics. By making the decision to major in a field that puts an emphasis on effective and objective communication, I feel that I am one step ahead in a society that is putting a high demand on objective, truthful, and accurate reporting. I also chose to focus on English and Communications in my major

In your opinion, and according to your own personal definition of Essay

In your opinion, and according to your own personal definition of feminism, how has feminism helped or hurt our society over the past thirty years - Essay Example last thirty years it has helped society by creating greater equality for women in the workplace, normalized their position in politics, and shifted general stereotypes. One of the most impactful areas in which feminism has benefited society is in the workplace. While by 1980 women had greatly left behind the entirely male dominated culture of the 1950s, one recognizes that there was still great disparity between men and women; much of which still exists today in lesser forms. Today, however, individuals such as Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, have made staggering contributions to the employment world. Additionally, salaries for women have increased progressively. Ultimately these changes benefit society in that more of our best and brightest minds can find equal access to employment and thus make contributions to the greater good. Another prominent area where feminism has contributed to society is in the political arena. Since 1980 there has been also an increase in the amount of women running and holding political office. While a woman still hasn’t been elected President or become Vice President of the United States it seems that feminism has greatly paved the way for this in the near future. One considers that the last Presidential election featured Sarah Palin as a Vice Presidential candidate. Additionally, for a period during the primaries Hillary Clinton was a front-runner for the Democratic nomination. Although it’s clear the country still has a ways to go before females gain complete equality in this arena, it seems that feminism has made significant contributions over the last thirty years. In addition to employment and politics, feminism has also been successful in changing stereotypes surrounding women. Women have received a large amount of criticism for being overly emotional and not implementing logic or rationality to the same extent as men. Such stereotypes have been used to oppress them in the workplace and political

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effective management of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Effective management of change - Essay Example The company has had a substantial share of fortunes since its establishment as a partnership between Thomas Spencer and Michael Marks in 1884 (Kirk & Tyson 1997; Rees 1969; Tse 1985). It has come to have a workforce of well over 60000 globally; a feat that is only achievable when there has been good and consistent expansion programmes in place (Beaver 1999, pp. 325-334). The company grew steadily for a century after which turbulent times emerged that saw its market share drop drastically in the 1990s and subsequent reduction in profitability. The world had become a more competitive market place and Marks and Spencer had lagged in this realisation. The situation in the later quarter of the 1990s saw the company running out of vigour in regards to its turnover, profitability and market dominance. In the turn of the century the company announced the lowest profit in its history and the lowest basic earnings per share i.e. 145 million pounds pre tax profit and zero basic earnings per share (Bevan 2001). With the drastic fall in profits and the low market confidence culminating into huge shedding of its share price, the management had to have a plan to steer the once market giant back to its long lost glory (Bevan 2001). Many changes in the management had to be initiated and this was no doubt a daunting task for the management and the staff alike. As it is well known that it takes quite a short time and less effort to destroy or lead to decline but to rise again to the top takes a great deal more effort, resources and time. These are the factors that the Marks and Spencer management has to put in mind in formulating the turn around strategy and planning on its implementation. Marks and Spencer in the early 2000 made a big change in its brand aiming at having a new corporate image. The new changes were to be spearheaded by Luc Vandevelde as the new chairman aged 48 years. The starting point for Vandevelde was

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Man I Killed Essay Example for Free

The Man I Killed Essay â€Å"The Man I Killed† the author Tim O Brien is the character in the story but the story does not use first person. This is because the story is not revolved around him but revolved on the man he has just killed in the Vietnam war. The character in this story focuses on the dead mans physicality and the story he has fabricated for him. The character in this story seems to be in shock because he does not speak or stop looking at the dead soldier, â€Å"Kiowa shook his head. There was some silence before he said, â€Å"Stop staring Talk to me† (p. 797-798) In the story â€Å"The Lives of the Dead†, the narrator is Tim O Brien who tells the story of his first love who happens to be his first death. This story is in first person and he describes how he keeps those he has known alive by telling stories about them, â€Å"When I write about her now, three decades later, its tempting to dismiss it as a crush, an infatuation of childhood, but I know for a fact that what we felt for each other was as deep and rich as love can ever get. † Tim also describes his experiences in the war, â€Å"I remember the smell of burnt straw; I remember broken fences and torn-up trees and heaps of stone and brick and pottery. † (p. 799) The repetition of dialogue in â€Å"The Man I Killed† gives the readers a sense of truth in the story and imagery of what the dead man looked like for the character. As the character repeats over and over again what the man looked like and what his life was like before the war, it gives the readers a sense of the psychological affects the war had on men. Using these techniques of imager and dialogue repetition in this story allowed me to get a deeper feeling of what shock and guilt felt like for these men. Although the reader may not have intended for me to feel these emotions this is what I felt during the reading. It allowed me to understand how the character consoled himself and also punished himself. For me if I imagined the youngs mans life before the war and I took that away, I would consider this as a form of punishment. Imagery is very detailed in both stories because one of them describes the man he has just killed, â€Å"His jaw was in his throat, his upper lip and teeth were gone, his one eye was shut, his other eye was a star-shaped hole † (p. 795) and the soldiers fabricated life story, â€Å"He had been born, maybe, in 1946 in the village of My Khe near the central coastline of Quan Ngai Province, where his parents farmed † (p. 795) In the other story he describes his first live, her death  at age 9, and his experiences in the war especially with death, â€Å"The place was deserted-no people, no animals- and the only confirmed kill was an old man who lay face up-near a pigpen at the center of the village. † (p. 799) The imagery of the people he has lost and his experiences with them allow the readers to get a feeling of how many people the narrator has lost or has seen died. We are allowed to get a feeling about death and the certain ways those around him coped with it and how he did too. In the story â€Å"The Man I Killed† the character copes with his first kill in war by providing him with a story. He gives the young man a story which in turn gives him symbolically life. His life becomes to have meaning and he is no longer thought as a dead man but a person who had dreams, a wife, and longing to be far away from war, â€Å"He had no stomach for violence. He loved mathematics And as he waited, in his final year at the university, he fell in love with a classmate, a girl of seventeen The use of Linda in the war story, â€Å"The Lives of the Dead† is to show his readers how he coped with his fisrt death who happened to be his first love. Linda, a girl at the age of 9 died from a brain tumor which devastates Tim O Brien who than begins to dream about her at night which provides him comfort knowing that in his dreams she still lived. This is how Brien coped with the deaths he experienced in war, â€Å"But ths too is true: stories can save us. Theyre all dead. But in a story, which is kind of dreaming, the dead sometimes smile and sit uo and return to the world. † (p. 799) The author story tells, metafiction, to keep those that have lost their lives from truly dying. Through the form of story he keeps them living and although these are stories of fiction, to the author it is preserving their lives. In the story â€Å"The Man I killed† he preserves the fallen soldier by inventing a fictitious life for him. For Linda and his fellow comrades he gives them stories too. â€Å"But in a story I can steal her soul. I can revive, at least briefly, that which is absolute and unchanging. Its not the surface that matters, its the identity that lives inside. † Just as he imagines them and dreams of them, his stories become their new lives where they continue to live on. He knows if he continues to create these stories, they will never die and through this we can see the power of storytelling. â€Å"and sometimes I can even see Timmy skating with Linda under the yellow floodlights. Im young and happy. Ill never die. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Manchester United

Strategic Analysis of Manchester United The Football Industry The Barclays Premier League The aim of this report is to undertake a detailed strategic analysis of the Manchester United F.C. with regard to its resource capability and competitive positioning, the organisations strategic fit with its environment and its management style with an emphasis on the cultural context of its strategy together (stakeholder expectations). To this end the mission, vision, goals and strategies of the Club will be taken into consideration while strategically evaluating and interpreting its management at business (competitive advantage) and functional (customer value) level. A variety of strategic analysis tools are going to be used in order to wholly evaluate both internal and external implications on the environment the Club operates within. These will primarily include SWOT and PEST analysis, Porters four corners analysis, and Value chain analysis. Market Environment Analysis Brief analysis of the market English football, and the FA Premier League (FAPL) in particular, is today a bigger business than it has ever been, generating record revenues both within its stadia and through the rising value of its broadcast rights. The game is on TV in more countries than ever before and watched by an increasing number of passionate fans all around the world. Despite the rising cost of attendance, football grounds are as full as they have ever been and FAPL matchday revenues have doubled in just eight years. But broadcast rights fees are expected soon to account for a majority share of income and younger consumers appear not to be inheriting the club ties that older fans were born into. Mintels research shows that footballs appeal to brands lies in its continued ability to reach mass mainstream audiences rather than in the value of its core audience, which is largely apathetic towards sponsors and their products (over half of fans claim not to pay attention to who sponsors what, while just 16% say the brand that sponsors their club matters to them). Football is well insulated against recession by the multi-year nature of its media and commercial agreements and by the fact that up to half of all seats are paid for before a ball is kicked through season ticket sales. However, the experience of the 1980s recession (where between 1978 and 1984 average attendances in the top flight collapsed from over 28,000 to under 19,000) shows that attendance is vulnerable in a downturn, so that matchday revenues in the 2009/10 season could be at risk. Barclays Premier League Roles and Objectives The mission of the Premier League is to effectively Manage, continually improve and be regarded as the worlds best league football competition and in this way Generate increased commercial value, using the resulting revenues to further enhance competitions and strengthen the long-term future of the Premier League and its clubs. Other objectives include: Increasing interest in the Leagues competitions, promote accessibility to live games and ensure that media exposure is used to optimum effect. Useing the Leagues power and influence responsibly to improve the game in the UK and abroad through partnership with the FA, UEFA and other bodies. Createing a quality of competition that provides a platform from which our member clubs can achieve unparalleled success in European or World competitions (source: Barclays Premier League official website). Relationship with the clubs The Premier League is owned by 20 Shareholders the member clubs, whose membership in the league is dependent on the performance of their football team in the Barclays Premier League. Another co-owner of The Premier League is the Football Association. While they have the right of veto in special occasions as the appointment of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, they are not involved in the decision making process regarding any other area of the Premier League work. The statutory company responsibilities are managed by the Board of Directors who are also running the day to day business. Relationship with other football bodies The Barclays Premier League is widely regarded as the most elite club competition in world football. The Premier League comes under the jurisdiction of the Football Association (the FA) and must submit its rules on yearly basis for approval. Along with its British partners in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the FA comes under the control of the European governing body the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Formed in 1954 and based in Geneva, UEFA works and acts on behalf of the member associations to promote football and ensure its well-being on the continent. The organisation is responsible for many high-profile competitions, some involving national teams such as the prestigious European Championships. UEFAs premier club competitions are the European Champions League and the UEFA Cup, in which Premier League clubs aspire to compete and succeed on a yearly basis. The FA and the 50 other associations of UEFA are all affiliated with the worlds governing body the Federation of International Football Associations, or FIFA. It was formed in 1904 and is now one of the biggest sports organisations worldwide striving to safeguard the good image of the game internationally and it is responsible for the Laws of the Game. FIFA can also boast the World Cup as its prized asset the ultimate stage on which a professional footballer can perform and a tournament which captures the imagination of the entire planet (source: Barclays Premier League official website). Manchester United Club Profile Manchester United plc operates as a professional football club in the United Kingdom. Its subsidiaries are Manchester United Football Club, Manchester United Catering (Agency Company), and Manchester United Interactive. In addition, the company through a joint venture with Manchester United PLC, Granada, and British Sky Broadcasting, operates MUTV, the companys official channel. The company owns 33.3 per cent in MUTV. Since the late 1990s, the club has been one of the richest in the world with the highest revenue of any football club, and is currently ranked as the richest and most valuable club in any sport, with an estimated value of around  £1.136billion as of April 2009. Manchester United was a founding member of the now defunct G-14 group of Europes leading football clubs, and its replacement, the European Club Association. ( Manchester United are the most successfulPremier League club having won the title10 times With a start in 1993 when manager Sir Alex Ferguson ended a 26-year wait to lift thePremier League crown. Manchester United Strategic Analysis For the purposes of this report is will be assumed that Strategic Analysis fits within the descriptions below: the process of conducting research on the business environment within which an organisation operates and on the organisation itself, in order to formulate strategy. BNET Business Dictionary a theoretically informed understanding of the environment in which an organisation is operating, together with an understanding of the organisations interaction with its environment in order to improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness by increasing the organisations capacity to deploy and redeploy its resources intelligently. Professor Les Worrall, Wolverhampton Business School The market environment comprises a combination of the Barclays Premier League industry itself and the wider macro environment in which Manchester United F.C. operates. In addition, it highlights the market environments and critic success factors. The unique resources of Manchester United and the core competences of the Club are outlined in the analysis described below. SWOT Analysis In order to conduct a comprehensive market environment analysis and evaluate the conditions in the market environment that Manchester United F.C. occupies, a brief introduction of the Barclays Premier League and Manchester United F.C., summarizing the key aspects in a SWOT analysis Which will be the first step towards implementing a range of analytical tools (fig.1) The SWOT Analysis is the most popular instrument utilized in strategic planning and organizational problem solving. PEST analysis The purpose of the PEST analysis below is to briefly outline the political and legal, economic, sociocultural and technological issues together with their implications on the performance of The Club, hence describing the external environment within Manchester United operates (fig 2) Porters four corners analysis The four corners analysis is a useful tool for analysing competitors as it emphasises that the objective of competitive analysis should always be on generating insights into the future. In this case the model is used to develop a profile of the likely strategy changes a competitor might make and how successful it might be and determine competitors probable reaction to the range of industry shifts and environmental changes that may occur (Fig. 3) Quite straightforward, the competitors future strategy stems from the competitors motivation to exceed or overperform another Club and sets a variety of objectives pr actions to be completed with the implementation of their prospective strategy. However, these objectives should reflect on the Clubs capabilities as well as the skills of the individual players and staff at senior management level. Here it is essential to develop a clear assumption on what creates value for a specific team as well as what are the relationships and networks the respective business has developed. For instance, Manchester United is one of the most successful teams in the history of football resulting in average attendance higher than any other team in the UK and extremely high brand consciousness (fig. 4). This means that together with the Clubs financial stability, strength of the senior management team and proven ability to serve a variety of channels Manchester United PLC is well on the way of creating and implementing in a sustainable way a winning strategy. Value chain analysis Further to the description above, value chain analysis is based on the principle that organisations exist to create value for their customers. Furtermore it is a comprehensive technique for analysing an organisations source of competitive advantage. In the analysis, the organisations activities are divided into separate sets of activities that add value. The organisation can more effectively evaluate its internal capabilities by identifying and examining each of these activities. Each value adding activity is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. For Manchester United these include Manchester United Football Club, Manchester United Catering (Agency Company), and Manchester United Interactive, the joint venture with Manchester United PLC, Granada, and British Sky Broadcasting, that operates MUTV. These are run on the basis of primary and support activities, as Primary activities are those that physically create a product, as well as market the product, deliver the produc t to the customer and provide after-sales support and Support activities are those that facilitate the primary activities. Crucial for the organisation is the process of identifying the activities that are critical to customers satisfaction and market success, such as creating competitiove advantage in competitions, hence the ticket sales and merchandising activity regarded to the process. Strategic fit Analysis The foremost field of research that is required to be taken into account is the whole new product development and research concerning Manchester Uniteds existing product selection. This is required to be examined principally as if Manchester United requires guaranteeing that they are doing well in their present market prior to going into a new market. At first, Manchester United will require investigating into their existing product selection, however, with such broad variety of products, it is vital for Manchester United to assess which of their products are perforating well in the market. Conclusion Manchester United is in a very competitive spot at present Currently ranked as the richest and most valuable club in any sport, with an estimated value of around  £1.136billion. It has the highest average attendance than any other team in English football and receives a large amount of funds through sponsorships and agreements (merchandising). Nonetheless the Club requires to be cautious that they are not getting self-satisfied and that they are focusing on the market, and the requirements of their clients and followers. By implementing the research into their markets, it will allow them to build up products for the clients, which will bring about sustained support from the fans and success. References Dess G Miller A. (1998) Strategic Management, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Johnson G Lynch R. (2003) Corporate Strategy, 3rd edition, FT/Prentice Hall Pettinger R (2004) Contemporary Strategic Management, Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke Scholes K Whittington R. (2005,) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th edition, FT/Prentice Hall Weeks, P. (2006), Managing People, Finance and Marketing, Pearson Education Limited, Essex http://,19528,11667_2972778,00.html Mintel reports Anglia Ruskin University Digital Library

Analysis of Stock Market and the Bullion Market

Analysis of Stock Market and the Bullion Market This project reexamines the comparative relationship between stock prices and bullion market in India i.e. gold spot prices for 2006-07 to 2009-10. The study looks after the variation of stock market and gold market in India. The future of the gold and gold price movements are determined by the perception of gold as a `store of value rather than its fundamentals as a commodity. The precious metals value is also determined by such factors as inflation, interest rates and the presence of lucrative alternative investment avenues in the economy. The comparative relationship tested between the BSE index and spot gold prices of bullion market of India. Gold price is included in the model as an additional variable, to examine whether gold price contain any additional significant information about price movements. Since gold is an important saving instrument in India and is very often used as a hedge against inflation, it is expected that gold may be looked upon as alternative asset for thos e holding idle money and for speculative purposes. Conceptual definition/key words sensex Bullion Spot gold Introduction to the study This study is an attempt made to find the comparative analysis of the stock market and the bullion market. This study will also indicate the potential of the two asset classes and the scope for investing in India. Stock market A  stock market, or equity market, is a private or public  market  for the trading of company  stock  and  derivatives  at an agreed price; these are  securities  listed on a  stock exchange  as well as those only traded privately. The size of the world stock market is estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the beginning of October 2008. The  total  world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value,  11 times the size of the entire world economy.   The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities a corporation or mutual organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of stocks and securities together. The  stock market  is one of the most important sources for  companies  to raise  money. This allows businesses to be publicly traded, or raise additional capital for expansion by selling shares of ownership of the company in a public market. The  liquidity  that an exchange provides affords investors the ability to quickly and easily sell securities. This is an attractive feature of investing in stocks, compared to other less liquid investments such as  real estate. Gold market In the last 6,000 years a little over 125,000 tones of gold has been mined. But this history is clearly divided into two eras before and after the California gold rush of 1848. Some calculations suggest that up until then scarcely 10,000 tones of gold had been excavated since the beginning of time. Thus more than 90% of the worlds gold has been produced since 1848. The story of gold is as rich and complex as the metal itself Wars have been fought for it; love has been declared with it. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs portray gold as the brilliance of the sun; modern astronomers use mirrors coated with gold to capture images of the heavens.By 325 BC the Greeks had mined for gold from Gibraltar to Asia Minor. In 1848 AD John Marshall found flakes of gold whilst building a sawmill near Sacramento and so triggered the gold rush in California.Held securely in national vaults as a reserve asset, gold has an irrefutable logic; released from the tombs of pharaohs and emperors alike, gold has an undeniable magic. In  Heritage  we describe just some of the key moments from golds history. Further sections take time to discuss important fundamental issues such as the relationship of  demand and supply, golds  price history; the  golden constant  and golds contribution to society. Review of Literature: The Sensex and the gold prices for a four year period constituted the database. In a recent study conducted by Steve Saville on Gold and the Stock Market during recession this study examines the gold and stock markets in the world markets for the periods of recession. The study brought out the performance of the two asset classes during recession for the last 10 recessions. The comparison on the gold and stock market awaits the Indian context based on this the researcher set to examine the same. Research Gap: The Literature review clearly indicates that the studies are carried out in abroad and not much in INDIA regarding the selected topic. Though some of the data is available it is all relating to the last year data and no study is made up to date, comparing both bullion and sensex. Research Issues: To know the variation, volatility, risk and return on BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai. To analyze the performance of BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in India between 2006-07 and 2009-10. To provide information about effect of investing Equity and Gold. Objective of the study Relationship between the stock market and the bullion market. To study the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Gold bullion market. To analyze the stock market and the bullion market in the Indian context. To study the interrelationship among the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Gold bullion market. To formulate strategies for investors to invest in based on trends. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Comparative relationship between stock prices and bullion market in India i.e. gold spot prices for 2006-07 to 2009-10. Comparative returns on investment in Equity and Gold. Variations in Sensex and Gold Spot rates by Monthly wise, Quarterly wise and Year Wise of Indices of BSE, Mumbai and Spot Gold Rates of Bullion Market, Mumbai with Charts and Graphs. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The stocks have risk, which comprises of either unique risk also called as diversifiable risk or unsystematic risk and market risk also called non-diversifiable risk or systematic risk. There are few problems, which reveal the necessary to analyze the variation of the equity shares indices and gold spot rates. We can neither predict the risk involved nor the future performance of the stock. Many equities have not performed well due to which investor has incurred losses. Presently study tries to find out the variation, volatility, risk and return on BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai has been undertaken. METHOD OF RESEARCH DESIGN TO BE USED UNDER THE STUDY: Descriptive Research: In this research an attempt has been made to analyze the past performance of BSE Sensex and Gold Spot Rates of Mumbai that are considered to be leading indicators of the Stock market and Bullion market. The study is to be done to know the variation, volatility of these markets for the past 4 years. The collection of average values of the BSE Sensex indices and Gold spot rates of Mumbai, on a monthly basis for comparison. METHODOLOGY OF DATA COLLECTION: Sampling Type: A Sample is a small representation of lot of population selected at random. The random of drawing a sample form from a large population is called sampling. Sampling data in this study comprised of BSE Sensex Indices and Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai for the period of 2006-07 to 2009-10. Each with monthly average values was taken for the study. SOURCES OF DATA: Primary data:Are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be original in character observation and personnel discussion with Internal Guide and External Guide. Secondary Sources of data: The sources of data were only the secondary source as the comparison is done keeping BSE Sensex Indices and Gold Spot Rates. Thus the project did not require any first hand information in the form of primary source. The data were collected through the sources like the for getting the share prices and spot prices of past 4 years. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The study is restricted to BSE Sensex Indices of Stock Market and Gold Spot rates in Mumbai Bullion Market. The time period for the project was limited and information provided is limited to Internet and Journals. It focuses on every month Average Values during the period from 2006-07 to 2009-10. The above Chart shows that: Totally BSE Sensex has shown upward trend up to Quarter-3 of 2007-08 and there is continuous decreasing trend upto Quarter-4 of 2008-09 due to the Worldwide recession and Economic Slow down in India. Then from Quarter-1, there is great recovery of +92.36% in 2009-10. Totally Gold Becomes costlier by every Quarter gradually and constantly. By Comparison in 2009-10 BSE Sensex has +83.36% more return on investment than Gold. But this increase by BSE Sensex is the recovery of the previous years economic slow down in India and Worldwide recession. Findings: The comparison of the Sensex and the Gold prices for the period of four years from January 2006 to the 31st December 2010 it can be seen that the prices of gold and the Sensex do not follow a same pattern, this is very important to investors as this is indication of two classes of investments that are negatively correlated and investing in both reduces the risk of loss. This is possible through diversification where investing in two different asset classes. From the graph it can be seen that the Sensex rallied from May 2006 from the 9000 level leaving the Gold behind, this continued till January 2008 where the Sensex reached its all time high of 21000. The price of Gold however was in the price range of 9000 to 10000 from July 2006 to December 2007. It is evident that when the stock market started crashing that the Gold prices started soaring and was on a constant upward trend. In the month of September 2008 the prices of the Sensex and Gold went in opposite direction, this is a clea r indication that the two are oppositely correlated. The above graph can be divided into three parts. The first can be year 2006 where the price of Gold and the Sensex moved in the same upward direction till mid May of 2006 where there was a resistance for both the investments and the price came down to the April 2006 mark, then there was a support where the month of June saw the price of Gold and the Sensex at the same level. From August 2006 the price of the Sensex rallied faster then that of Gold to touching a new high of 15000 on the Sensex. The second part of the research period saw the price of the Sensex still rallying in the year of 2007 the same as the end of 2006. The price of Gold continued to rise but on a constant basis and with a gradual increase. The price of the Sensex during the month of September rose on a constant basis to touch a new high of 20500 in the month of December. The next part of the research period 2008 saw the Sensex crash but the price of Gold was not affected with the crash. Wile the Sensex continued t o decline the price of Gold touched a new high in the month of October 2008 of 13000 rupees for every 10 grams. The last part of the research shows that First and second quarter the BSE sensex is seen a bigger growth with 40%and 20% where as at third quarters we can notice gold change is drastic with 10.06% and the last quarter ie up to December 2010 with negligible difference between the two investments. CONCLUSION In this project the researcher set to analyze the comparison between the stock market and the gold market. From the results and analysis that have been conducted, it can be concluded that gold in-deed is a better investment as compared to stock (during the research period) and is a good asset to include in a portfolio for diversification. The combination of the Sensex stock and Gold in a portfolio is also a good investment strategy as these asset classes are both negatively correlated, and this low correlation improves the stability of the portfolio. In the analysis the researcher compared gold to sensex to see the performance of which asset class was good. The results of this comparison showed gold to be a good investment, with an overall higher return. The Sensex is an index composed of 30 multinational companies, thus it has a high market risk. Gold on the other hand is not an index, it is a valuable metal; it therefore has a high unique risk. In the long run, if money was placed in gold and Sensex (2006-2008), it has evidently been seen that the allocation should be around 50% in gold and 50% in the Sensex to obtain an Optimal Portfolio. Thus in the long run, gold has proven to be an efficient investment when combined with the Sensex. With golds past performance in mind, the researcher would recommend an investor today to hold gold in his/her investment portfolio. This is because of the uncertain environment of today, and due to the high return for gold. The optimal amount to invest in gold could however be questioned. For an investor with a long time horizon, a high amount of gold could be more easily defended than for a short term investor. In the long run, spotted short term deviations have tended to smooth out, to an optimal allocation around 50% in gold. Even though it may be hard to predict, the researcher would still urge investors to own a portion of gold in his/her portfolio today, due to the high return to risk characteristics of gold. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings the researcher would give the following recommendations to investors. An investor should invest in Gold and the Sensex to get maximum returns as both the asset classes are negatively correlated and a good combination for diversification. A 50-50% can be invested in both the asset classes as the loss in one will be compensated in the other which will balance the portfolio, as compared to investing in one and facing huge losses or profits which are not always known. Gold has a tendency to rise in India based on demand seasonally, this is particularly true in the season of marriages, and the researcher would recommend investors to buy Gold in times when there is less demand and sell at the times where demand increases. Stock market is very unpredictable and a company can loose its standing in the economy for the smallest of mistakes or problems faced, but Gold on the other hand will never loose its value and this has been evident for thousands of years and it is even today used as a precious metal. An investor should not invest in Gold for short term but for a long term, as gold in the short term dose not return the same as that of the stock market. If an investor believes in buy low, sell high, gold is still low, but climbing and its never too late to invest in gold.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Image Processing :: OCR Captcha Facial Recognition

Abstract This paper is about a selected few image processing applications. Optical Character Recognition is the translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-editable text. Then I have introduced the captcha that we so frequently encounter in common websites. An algorithm trying to solve or break a captcha has been explained. Face detection is a growing and an important tool in security these days. It must be applied before face recognition. There are many methods for recognizing faces and a few of them are discussed in the paper. Contents Topic Pg No Image Processing Optical character recognition Captcha Braking Captcha Face Detection Algorithm for Face Detection References Image processing Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as photographs or frames of video; the output of image processing can be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. Most image-processing techniques involve treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques to it. Typical Operations Among many other image processing operations are: ï‚ § Geometric transformation such as enlargement, reduction, and rotation ï‚ § Color corrections such as brightness and contrast adjustments, quantization, or conversion to a different color space ï‚ § Digital compositing or optical compositing (combination of two or more images). ï‚ § Interpolation, demosaicing, and recovery of a full image from a raw image format. ï‚ § Image editing (e.g., to increase the quality of a digital image) ï‚ § Image differencing (to determine changes between images) ï‚ § Image registration (alignment of two or more images) ï‚ § Image stabilization ï‚ § Image segmentation(partitioning a digital image into multiple regions) ï‚ § Extending dynamic range by combining differently exposed images ï‚ § 2-D object recognition with affine invariance Optical character recognition Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text. OCR is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and machine vision. Though academic research in the field continues, the focus on OCR has shifted to implementation of proven techniques. Optical character recognition (using optical techniques such as mirrors and lenses) and digital character recognition (using scanners and computer algorithms) were originally considered separate fields. Because very few applications survive that use true optical techniques, the OCR term has now been broadened to include digital image processing as well. Early systems required training (the provision of known samples of each character) to read a specific font. "Intelligent" systems with a high degree of recognition accuracy for most fonts are now common.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Twelve Angry Men :: Essays Papers

Twelve Angry Men In the story "Twelve Angry Men", Reginald Rose shows how making one's own decisions is one very important aspect in life. He also showed that one's decisions should not be impeded by stereotypes. I believe that the jury reached the right verdict because the witnesses were disproven along with all of the evidence. The first reason is that the witnesses were proven to be wrong. For example, there was an el train passing by the old man's window at the time of the murder. He couldn't have been able to hear the murder taking place. The old man was not as much of a reliable source as he was originally thought to be. In addition, the woman that lived across the street from the boy did not wear her glasses to bed the night of the murder. She couldn't have been able to know for a fact that the boy was the real murderer. The woman's testimony is not strong enough to condemn the boy to death. With the two key witnesses having been discredited, the case against the boy was very weak. The other reason is that the evidence was proven to be not as significant as it was once thought to be. For example, Juror Eight bought a knife exactly like the one used in the murder. The original knife was not as special or unique as it was portrayed to be in the trial. Any person could have bought a knife just like the original one and used it to murder the father. Furthermore, Juror Two said that he thought that the stab wound was too high up for the boy to have inflicted. Someone taller than the boy must have committed the murder. With the new ideas that are being brought up by the jurors, the boy seems to become a less likely suspect.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cell Organelles

Nucleus: The nucleus is the most obvious organelle in any eukaryotic cell. It is enclosed in a double membrane and communicates with the surrounding cytosol via numerous nuclear pores. Within the nucleus is the DNA responsible for providing the cell with its unique characteristics. The DNA is similar in every cell of the body, but depending on the specific cell type, some genes may be turned on or off – that's why a liver cell is different from a muscle cell, and a muscle cell is different from a fat cell.When a cell is dividing, the nuclear chromatin (DNA and surrounding protein) condenses into chromosomes that are easily seen by microscopy. Nucleolus: The prominent structure in the nucleus is the nucleolus. The nucleolus produces ribosomes, which move out of the nucleus and take positions on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are critical in protein synthesis. Cytosol: The cytosol is the â€Å"soup† within which all the other cell organelles reside and where m ost of the cellular metabolism occurs.Though mostly water, the cytosol is full of proteins that control cell metabolism including signal transduction pathways, glycolysis, intracellular receptors, and transcription factors. Cytoplasm: This is a collective term for the cytosol plus the organelles suspended within the cytosol. Centrosome: The centrosome, or MICROTUBULE ORGANIZING CENTER (MTOC), is an area in the cell where microtubules are produced. Plant and animal cell centrosomes play similar roles in cell division, and both include collections of microtubules, but the plant cell centrosome is simpler and does not have centrioles.During animal cell division, the centrioles replicate (make new copies) and the centrosome divides. The result is two centrosomes, each with its own pair of centrioles. The two centrosomes move to opposite ends of the nucleus, and from each centrosome, microtubules grow into a â€Å"spindle† which is responsible for separating replicated chromosomes into the two daughter cells. Centriole  (animal cells only): Each centriole is a ring of nine groups of fused microtubules. There are three microtubules in each group.Microtubules (and centrioles) are part of the cytoskeleton. In the complete animal cell centrosome, the two centrioles are arranged such that one is perpendicular to the other. Golgi: The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound structure with a single membrane. It is actually a stack of membrane-bound vesicles that are important in packaging macromolecules for transport elsewhere in the cell. The stack of larger vesicles is surrounded by numerous smaller vesicles containing those packaged macromolecules.The enzymatic or hormonal contents of lysosomes, peroxisomes and secretory vesicles are packaged in membrane-bound vesicles at the periphery of the Golgi apparatus. Lysosome: Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular digestion. They are common in animal cells, but rare in plant cells. Hydrolytic en zymes of plant cells are more often found in the vacuole. Peroxisome: Peroxisomes are membrane-bound packets of oxidative enzymes. In plant cells, peroxisomes play a variety of roles including converting fatty acids to sugar and assisting chloroplasts in photorespiration.In animal cells, peroxisomes protect the cell from its own production of toxic hydrogen peroxide. As an example, white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria. The oxidative enzymes in peroxisomes break down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Secretory Vesicle: Cell secretions – e. g. hormones, neurotransmitters – are packaged in secretory vesicles at the Golgi apparatus. The secretory vesicles are then transported to the cell surface for release. Cell Membrane: Every cell is enclosed in a membrane, a double layer of phospholipids (lipid bilayer).The exposed heads of the bilayer are â€Å"hydrophilic† (water loving), meaning that they are compatible with water both withi n the cytosol and outside of the cell. However, the hidden tails of the phosopholipids are â€Å"hydrophobic† (water fearing), so the cell membrane acts as a protective barrier to the uncontrolled flow of water. Mitochondria: Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, produce secretory products, contract – in short, they are the power centers of the cell. They are about the size of bacteria but may have different shapes depending on the cell type.Mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles, and like the nucleus have a double membrane. The outer membrane is fairly smooth. But the inner membrane is highly convoluted, forming folds (cristae) as seen in the cross-section, above. The cristae greatly increase the inner membrane's surface area. It is on these cristae that food (sugar) is combined with oxygen to produce ATP – the primary energy source for the cell. Vacuole: A vacuole is a membrane-bound sac that plays roles in intracellular digestion a nd the release of cellular waste products.In animal cells, vacuoles are generally small. Vacuoles tend to be large in plant cells and play several roles: storing nutrients and waste products, helping increase cell size during growth, and even acting much like lysosomes of animal cells. The plant cell vacuole also regulates turgor pressure in the cell. Water collects in cell vacuoles, pressing outward against the cell wall and producing rigidity in the plant. Without sufficient water, turgor pressure drops and the plant wilts.Cell Wall  (plant cells only): Plant cells have a rigid, protective cell wall made up of polysaccharides. In higher plant cells, that polysaccharide is usually cellulose. The cell wall provides and maintains the shape of these cells and serves as a protective barrier. Fluid collects in the plant cell vacuole and pushes out against the cell wall. This turgor pressure is responsible for the crispness of fresh vegetables. Chloroplast  (plant cells only): Chloro plasts are specialized organelles found in all higher plant cells.These organelles contain the plant cell's chlorophyll responsible for the plant's green color. Chloroplasts have a double outer membrane. Within the stroma are other membrane structures – the thylakoids. Thylakoids appear in stacks called â€Å"grana† (singular = granum). Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Throughout the eukaryotic cell, especially those responsible for the production of hormones and other secretory products, is a vast network of membrane-bound vesicles and tubules called the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER for short.The ER is a continuation of the outer nuclear membrane and its varied functions suggest the complexity of the eukaryotic cell. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is so named because it appears smooth by electron microscopy. Smooth ER plays different functions depending on the specific cell type including lipid and steroid hormone synthesis, breakdown of lipid-soluble toxins in liver c ells, and control of calcium release in muscle cell contraction. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Rough endoplasmic reticulum appears â€Å"pebbled† by electron microscopy due to the presence of numerous ribosomes on its surface.Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes collect in the endoplasmic reticulum for transport throughout the cell. Ribosomes: Ribosomes are packets of RNA and protein that play a crucial role in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. They are the site of protein synthesis. Each ribosome comprises two parts, a large subunit and a small subunit. Messenger RNA from the cell nucleus is moved systematically along the ribosome where transfer RNA adds individual amino acid molecules to the lengthening protein chain.Cytoskeleton: As its name implies, the cytoskeleton helps to maintain cell shape. But the primary importance of the cytoskeleton is in cell motility. The internal movement of cell organelles, as well as cell locomotion and muscle fiber contraction could not take place without the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is an organized network of three primary protein filaments: – microtubules – actin filaments (microfilaments) – intermediate fibers

Boy by Taika Waitit Essay

In order to take a shit for the Common Assessment Task which is approach up we need to do the following preparation. In the following table contention all the positive and all the minusly charged advanceing skills that Alamein exhibits. Positive P benting Negative aro drilling* Drove them to the strand * Swears in front of his kids * Reflected on his married womans death * Encouraged male child to bring him weed and smoked in front of him * Apologised to boy for wearing his pate * Exploits son by making him quill for pry * Makes links with boys-little shogun * Negative manipulation-model * Teaches him conduct lessons * Smacked boy for wearing his jacket * Spends role time with boy and Rocky * Encourages brute graphic symbol exempt what computable invokeing is Good parenting is when the parent deal outs for his family and supports them, doesnt abuse them and see them and teaches each other values and morals. pardon what Bad parenting is Bad parenting is when the parent is dictatorial, slipshod and is a ban role-model. What is your opinion virtually Alamein? Is he a trade proper or bad parent? What severalise do you have? Alamein is a bad parent as he is irresponsible and careless, youthful and exploitive and he is a negative and poor role-model.Alamein is a wicked parent. Do you agree?SECTION Questions to be answered in this section Answers related to topic conception * Name the inject & director * precise brief summary * Definition of good parenting * Your view- is Alamein a bad parent? * 3 reasons for your topographic point of view The movie BOY, scripted by Taika Waititi, is a movie near boy and his family, with his father Alamein and his little companion Rocky. Alamein is irresponsible, careless and a negative role-model, so he is a bad parent. briny consistence 1TEEL Reason 1 * formulate why this is important in parenting * Does he show this skill? * Give an voice * Link this to the topic. In other lecture does this show that he is a solemn person or not? irresponsibleness is important because it can lead the children on bad paths without parentalguidance. Alamein barley cared and wasnt responsible, so he used male child and lead boy to drink and level off smoke, which he would neer do normally. When male child cant handle Alameins demands, he thinks it would be resolved by smoking. A good parent would never let his children smoke, especially if its their fault, Alamein is the opposite. main(prenominal) Body 2TEEL Reason 2 * condone why this is important in parenting * Does he show this skill? * Give an practice * Link this to the topic. In other oral communication does this show that he is a mischievous person or not? Alameins carelessness made harmed boy without make up him realising it. He harmed sons views on what a good person is and he was encouraged to bring him weed, opening him up to the world of drugs. Boy was unsure whether he was doing the right or wrong thing, s o this lead to him being in internal conflict with himself. A good parent wouldnt want his children in harm. chief(prenominal) Body 3TEEL Reason 3 * Explain why this is important in parenting * Does he show this skill? * Give an moral * Link this to the topic. In other actors line does this show that he is a shocking person or not? Boy always thought Alamein was a big role-model, which led to Boy being charmed by Alamein, which he exploited by making Boy dig for his treasure multiple generation. Alamein swears and takes out his anger on his kids, which a good role-model or rase a good parent wouldnt. windup So is Alamein a terrible parent?Summarise your 3 reasons supporting your point of view. Alamein is a bad parent, hes to careless to care about his kids, his to irresponsible to worry about his duties as a parent and he is a negative role model because he swears and puts blast his kids, Alamein is a bad parent.Alamein is a terrible parent. Do you agree?SECTION Paragraphs excogitation Alamein is not responsible, he doesnt care about Boy and he is almostone who you shouldnt look up to, as he is very negative. Alamein isnt a good parent in general, because he lacks pretty much every quality needed to be a good one. of import Body 1TEEL Alamein irresponsibility leads Boy to stray from his normal decisions in life, to Alamein decisions or intentions. This causes Alamein to be able to exploit Boy and use him and it also encourages Boy to do things Alamein likes and not what really Boy likes. Main Body 2TEEL Alameins carelessness caused Boy to get hurtemotionally, mentally and physically. Alamein uses Boy and yells at Boy many times especially when Boy took Alameins jacket. Boy was left shameful and confused, while Alamein plainly didnt care. He completed he made a mistake, still his unassumingness is left to be questioned. Main Body 3TEEL Alamein looked like a good role-model, but when more times elapses, it shows that Alamein is immature and a negative role-model. Boy looked upto Alamein, which made Boy aspireto be like him until Boy realised that Alamein isnt someone he wants to be like. Boy stood up to Alamein and questioned him, leaving Alamein in shock, thus apologising to Boy and trying to re-kindle their bond. oddment Alamein is a bad parent. Hes to careless, irresponsible and a negative role model, which a good parent would never be.When writing an essay it is important to use the right vocabulary and interesting metre structures. So here are some examples of what is acceptable for year 9 level. The film BOY directed by Taika WaititiExplores* Delves into..* Deals with* Reveals.Alamein* Exhibits* Shows* Displays* Demonstrates* Presents* Shows evidence of* Shows signs ofCharacteristics of good parenting are Qualities of good parenting are Features of good parenting shown in described by..Parents are judge to* Provide..* Encourage..* Support.* making love* Teach* OfferWords which symbolise think abou t* Consider* think over* Ponder* Take into account* moot up* Reflect on

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Empowering Users of Health and Social care Services Essay

1.1. crop of establishmental Policies and Pr effectices by topical polity and sphere Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of substance abusers of wellness and favor fitted C be serving3 1.2. Factors that whitethorn run into the Achievement of promoting and maximising the rights of recitationrs of wellness and affectionate occupy profit4 1.3 How intercourse between cypher lap upers and the individuals collapse to promoting and maximise the rights of the users of wellness and hearty string by do5 2.1. Factors that may contribute to representation out of Independence, non- intricacy and societal Exclusions for Vulnerable peck6 2.2. Analyzing of organisational systems & mathematical processes which ar managed to upraise employment and emancipation of users of tender and wellness address serve62.3. Tension that snarf When Balancing the Rights of the one-on-one to freedom and preference against the vex providers handicraft to Protect7 3.1. Use of national Study 2 from a wellness or affable direction mount to expose the consequence to which the individuals atomic number 18 at Risk of8 3.2. dominance of Policies, Procedures and managerial Approach at heart a wellness and companionable administer stage setting for Promoting the steering of Risk8 4.1. Review of f showtime Legislation, Codes of Practices that hold in to the handling of medical specialty8 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures indoors a Health and kind C ar move for administering medication9Introductionpotency has make up one of the inseparable parts of the wellness and kind divvy up advantage. Zimmerman (1984) stated Empowerment as or sowhat of the multidimensional process that back ups race gain control e actuallywhere their own lives. In order to normal and implementation empowerment, wellness and companionable caution benefit nighbodynel office be get hold ofed to work clo sely with the diametrical serve users of health and sociable attention work of processing. polar law and sleep togetherledge of the health and dish foot help the sustentation modules in empoweringthe users of the returns. For that get a lineing the researcher leave behind dispute more or less the polar standards than female genitals hold dear the rights of the users, factors that evict influence these rights, shock absorber of nigh communion between the get by staffs and the users. In addition it pass on show a pull understanding astir(predicate) departure of liberty and vulnerability, factors that nookie manage unlike vulnerability of the gain users, incompatible tensions in the health and tender portion out, managerial progression shot which are effectual in health and tender finagle proceeds as well as polar medication acts of UK which are figured at present.1.1. Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislatio n and sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social rush do diametrical help users are circulating(prenominal)ly going in order to wee several(predicate) gain provided by the nearlyonenel or grapple staffs of the health and tender plow helping. For that cogitate the care staffs should provide break a style aid for the physical and psychogenic set outment of the variant vulnerable users.They should be very wakeful to the users especially to the adults and the children aswell as to the disable bulk. of late some changes pass on been do on Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and sphere Skills Standards which are very often profitable for the users of the service. They pass on several(predicate) influence on the users of the health and tender care service for Promoting and maximizing their rights which are as follows chthonian this amendment, Local Authorities (Las), Clinical perpetration Groups (CCGs), The National Health helper fit out Board (NHS CB) and The Commissioners of health go receive some rights.Now The give be able to make some submit donation or sponsorship for the individualized health budget under assorted policies which go away create a dangerous impact on the users. If both sudden goal to any(prenominal) child occurs hence it moldiness be informed to the NHS CB and to the CCG,It is a true sign. According to the mental capacity act 2005, at that place are different s dos of evolution the physical and mental narrow down of the users by the care force-out. This amendment impart give some financial frequent to the poor and the free people for treatment. to a lower place this amendment NHS forget practice some rights to give effectual health and mixer care reading for the amelioration of different users. varied social and health care programs,strategy and act go away be formed for ensuring crack service to the different service us ers. Under this amendment there impart be screen background of value different confidential entropy of the service users. According to Welfare food amendment jurisprudences 2005, the CCCGs, NHS CB have different rights to provide some medicines to the service users and they pass on provide telling prescriptions to different users if needed.If any patient goes UK for treatment of different viral diseases from another country accordingly no extra payment allow for be taken from him This amendment give ascertain the rights of the children and the adults. Under this amendment, better service will be ensured to the users and their rights will be harbor successfully. Theseamendments,Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards will be very recyclable mode for Promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. These are very user friendly amendments, policies and procedure 1.2. Factors that May act the Achievement o f promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service New amendment has been made to the policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards,The integrity Commission (2014) claimed that, different factors move affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service which are as follows The National Health Service (Charges to overseas visitors) ordinations 2011 According to this regulation, if any individual goes UK for treatment of any viral diseases he or she will not need to pay extra money.It laughingstock proceed the overseas patients to do treatment in UK. The residential family centers regulations 2002 Under this regulation if any children die in a residential area then certainly NHS CB and CCG will be informed about it. It will in addition protect the rights of the children and ensure better health. The care fiber commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Under this regula tion it is obligatory to ensure the better care to the service user and it is inevitable to inform about the death of a user to the quality commission. Crime and sickness regulations (2007) It will give protection to the different service users if any danger or vulnerability occurs to them. The student support Regulations 2011 This regulation will provide some monetary help and mental support to the students so that they drive out easily continue their study. well-informed start schemes and welfare foods amendment regulations 2005 Thisregulation will ensure better health to the service users. It will also provide vitamin supplements on with different medicines free of cost. The national health care service (direct payments) regulations 2010 Under this regulation it will be possible to gift or sponsor financial help to the service users which will promote and increase the rights of the users of health and social care service. vindication of the confidential randomness act (20 06) It will protect the common soldier information of the service users. These factors will provide a sibylline impact on the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service Rosenbaum and Rotor(2013), explained different types of communication between care workers and the individuals are required to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service which are as follows Two way dialogue The care staffs should communicate with the users to know different information, health condition and mental capacity of the users. It plunder build an interpersonal communication which is necessary for getting the useable information about different rights of the users. federation between provider and client The care staffs should treat the users in a way so that t hey value the staffs as their silk hat partner in contingency of treatment. halo of caring at that place should be an effective atmosphere of caring in the social and health care service. This will help the users to express different information which are necessary for the protection of their different rights. literal communication It includes spoken or written words for expressing ideas and thoughts. It ignore establish a good family between the care staffs and the individualsIf the users express their different ideas then it will be very effective for the care staffs to be true(prenominal) about the different rights of the users. Non-verbal communication polar non-verbal communication much(prenominal) as messaging, descriptive phrases can also be used for communicating with the service users. It will develop the understanding of the users which will be easy for the care staffs to protect different rights of the users. Demonstrations of liaison Demonstration of interes t can also be very effective way in study of building a sound relationship with the users.Effective demonstrations can help understand different needs, wants andhabit of the users which can contribute to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. 2.1. Factors that may contribute to tone ending of Independence, non- intimacy and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people Different people face different types of vulnerabilities which have different impact on them. Different vulnerabilities can act prejudice of Independence, non -participation and Social exclusions. These should be outback(a) by the care staff of the health and social care service.Smith (2000) claimed some factors that may contribute to pass of independence, non-participation and Social exclusions for vulnerable people are as follows Lack of opportunities to work There are not sufficient opportunities of work for different people in the corporation especially for the adult peopl e. They may think this as a negative factor. unretentive working opportunities can cause loss of independence, non -participation and social exclusions. Fear There are umteen people in the smart set who opinion fear for a micro cause in many things.They cannot cope up with the different vulnerability which can occur to them. They often wants friendly environment. in addition much Fear for many things can cause non -participation and social exclusions. Lack of culture and skills All persons have no similar(p) level of education and skills for doing something. For that reason, they may happen them as incapable in fiber of any participation that accelerates social exclusions. childhood deprivation Many people are deprived of many things from their childhood. This deprivation can contribute too many exclusions and non-participation. cut off families The persons who are disrupted from their families can develop a strong vulnerability among them. They smell ashamed in case of act in a social depend that can cause loss of independence to them. Inequalities in health All people are not capable of maintaining same level of health and mental conditions. These factors can promote their loss of independence and non-participation.2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service Carr (2004), Stated differentorganizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service which are as follows subject for policy andpractice The care personnel can provide the profitable information of health and social care service, different rights of the users, forte of the treatment etc., so that people can learn more about the health and social care service which will promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service. boundary of Current knowledge The laws, right s and policies changes over time. For that reason the staffs should provide updated information regarding health and social care service to accelerate the participation in these sectors. Training Effective discipline programs and seminars should be arranged frequently in order to promote participation. Different learning can develop the skills and mental abilities of the users which can lead to a huge participation.Organizational loyalty and responsiveness Organizational commitment and responsiveness regarding the assurance of better services and environment should be increased by the care staffs. Strong commitment of good service can increase participation and engagement. Minimization of costs There should be strong commitment of minimizing of costs in case of the service of health and social care service. If the service users can get the opportunities of low cost in the organization then their participation will automatically increase. Removing Personal barriers Personal barri ers can cause lack of participation in an organization. Different personal barriers can be removed by two way communication and increasing different support. Increasing support and network If the users can get effective support from the care staffs then there overall participation will increase. jump and care are very much needed to the isolated people to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service2.3. Tension that bear When Balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and prime(prenominal) against the Care providers avocation to Protect Different types of tensions may bone in case of balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the care providers duty to protect. These tensions need to be removed by health care staffs. Carr, (2010) Explained that these tensions include different rights of the users, their private information and many other things which are as follows In health and social care service , there are different types of rights and duties of the service users that should be understood by the care staffs and protect them sincerely.If they fail to protect these then different contraventions may occur.The users of the health and social care service have different realities that express their overall behavioral dispositions. If these are not understood correctly then tensions will occur. In case of disclosing any private information of the users the care staff should be very strategic so that it can do no disparage to the users. If asking any types of confidential information can create any conflict then the staffs should avoid it because unlicensed person will get benefit. Rights of the adult person as well as the children should consider very sincerely. If there is any scope that the care personnel are liner problem in case of protect the rights and duties of the children and the adult people then unspeakable conflict and tensions will occur.3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk ofBy using case study 2 it is possible to identify different extent to which the individuals are at endangerment of. These extents are as follows As Mr. H is a patient of a hyperactivity disorder and regularly meets a psychologist. The psychologist has some responsibilities toward him. Mr. H should express different private information to him that should be protected by him differently any third troupe will get benefit. As a restrain is taking care of him, the nurse should be very vigilant and sincere to Mr. H. The nurse should co-operate with him successfully otherwise Mr. H will feel lonely and feel social exclusion. The care staffs should ensure the choice of Mr. H to visit to local securities industry, homework etc. otherwise his mental condition will not improve. As Mr. H has little bit aggressiveness to many people, the care staffs should improve this condition otherwise Mr. H will develop the smell of non- participation and social exclusions.3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk Mayberry and Nice wander (2006) claimed some potence of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health and social care setting for promoting the steering of risk which are as follows Safety If the safety can be ensured tothe health and social care service users then users will take it as a safe approach which can promote the management of risk. seasonableness It services can be ensured incidentally then it will be very attractive way of managing the risk. Efficiency achiever of the health and social care service mostly depends on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the service. It can promote the management of risk and ensures efficiency. Proper adherence to different regulations Ensuring the duties and protect the rights of the users by effectively pursual different regulations can be very effective way of promoting the management of risk.4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medicationCare Quality Commission (2014) explained about current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication in UK which are as follows The medicines for human use (marketing) regulations 1994 According to these regulations, no one can sell medicine until he gets liberty from UK licensing authority. The medicines (Homeopathic) regulations It ensures the effective use of the homeopathic drugs. The veteran Drugs order 1984 According to this law, selling of medicines can be occurred if a acknowledge doctor supervises veterinary drugs. The Pharmacy regulations 2008 These regulations state that some energetic pharmacists are very useful for pharmacy business of it focuses on creating some gifted pharmacists. The prescriptions order 1997 This regulations claim that wholesale rs or retailers can sell or market medicines if they take recognition from a recognized practitioner.4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication The effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care for administering medication can be evaluated by following ways Under these policies and Procedures, no unauthorized person will be able to sell medicines until he gets authorization. It will protect drug abuse. Because of these regulations, people who feel still in homeopathic medicines will be encouraged to get them and these medicines will be available. These regulations will create some intelligent pharmacists so there will be specialization in pharmaceutical sector. These regulations will protect illegal trafficking of medicines. Under these regulations, people will learn to use positive medicine by recognized physicians. It will protect the use of harmful medicines and low quality drugs.ConclusionsEmpowerment in health and social care service has make a new form. Now the personnel in health and social service are very much careful about the empowerment of the users of the health and social care. This paper successfully described about different policies and regulations used in health and social care service,different factors that can maximize the rights of the users, different vulnerabilities and management of health and social care risks. Besides it gave a clear view about total empowerment process and critically analyzed the effectiveness of the empowerment by risk management and medication regulations of UK.ReferencesBookman, A. and Morgan, S., (1984), Women and the politics of empowerment, Philadelphia Temple University loo Care Quality Commission (2014), Legislation,, available at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Carr, S., (2004), Has Service User Participat ion Made a dissimilitude to Social Care Services? , UK Social Care Institute for excellence Carr, S., (2010), enable Risk, ensuring safety Self-directed support and personal budgets, UK Social Care Institute for Excellence Mayberry, R. M and Nice wander, D. A., (2006), Improving quality and reducing inequities a challenge in achieving best care,, available at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Rosenbaum, J and Rotor, D., (2013), Improving Interpersonal communication between Health Care Providers and Clients, regular army Quality Assurance Project Smith, J. P., (2000), constitution Responses to Social Exclusion, UK Open University Press The Law Commission (2014), Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals,, available at https//, accessed at May 28, 2014 Zimmerman (1984), Empowerment What Is It? ,, avai lable at http//, accessed at May 28, 2014